DMCS 2003 Publications

Weis, J.S., J. Samson, T. Zhou, J. Skurnick and P. Weis 2003. Evaluating prey capture by larval mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) as a potential biomarker for contaminants. Mar. Environ. Res. 55: 27-38.

Windham, L., J.S. Weis and P. Weis 2003. Uptake and distribution of metals in two dominant salt marsh macrophytes, Spartina alterniflora (cordgrass) and Phragmites australis (common reed). Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science. 56: 63-72.

Weis, J.S. and P. Weis 2003. Is the invasion of the common reed, Phragmites australis, into tidal marshes of the Eastern US an ecological disaster? Marine Pollution Bulletin. 46: 816-820.

Weis, J.S., L. Windham and P. Weis 2003. Patterns of metal accumulation in leaves of the tidal marsh plants Spartina alterniflora (Loisel) an Phragmites australis (Cav. Trin ex Steud) over the growing season. Wetlands 23: 459-465.

Kraeuter, J.N. S. Ford and W. Canzonier. 2003. Increased biomass yield from Delaware Bay oysters (Crassostrea virginica) by alternation of planting season. J. Shellfish Res. 22(1) 39-49.

Fegley, S. R., S. E. Ford, J. N. Kraeuter, and H. H. Haskin. 2003. The persistence of New Jersey’s oyster seedbeds in the presence of MSX disease and harvest: management’s role J. Shellfish Res. 22:451-464.

Chen, Y., J. R. Miller, J.A. Francis, G.G. Russell, and F. Aires, 2003: Observed and modeled relationships among Arctic climate variables. J. Geophys. Res., 108(D24), 4799, doi:10.1029/2003JD003824.

Rusch, A., M. Huettel, C. E. Reimers, G. L. Taghon, and C. M. Fuller. 2003. Activity and distribution of bacterial populations in Middle Atlantic Bight shelf sands. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 44:89-100.

Field, P. M. Sherrell, R. M. 2003. Direct determination of ultra-trace levels of metals in fresh water using desolvating micronebulization and HR-ICP-MS: application to Lake Superior waters. Royal Society of Chemistry. 18: 254-259.

Able, K.W. and S.M. Hagan. 2003. The impact of common reed, Phragmites australis , on Essential Fish Habitat: Influence on reproduction, embryological development and larval abundance of mummichog ( Fundulus heteroclitus ). Estuaries 26(1): 40-50.

Grothues, T.M. and K.W. Able. 2003. Response of juvenile fish assemblages in tidal salt marsh creeks treated for Phragmites removal. Estuaries 26(2B): 563-573.

Grothues, T.M. and K.W. Able. 2003. Discerning vegetation and environmental correlates with subtidal marsh fish assemblage dynamics during Phragmites eradication efforts: interannual trend measures. Estuaries 26(2B): 574-586

Jivoff, P.R. and K.W. Able. 2003. Blue crab, Callinectes sapidus , response to the invasive common reed, Phragmites australis : Abundance, size, sex ratio and molting frequency. Estuaries. 26(2B): 587-595.

Jivoff, P. and K.W. Able. 2003. Evaluating salt marsh restoration in Delaware Bay : the response of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus , at former salt hay farms. Estuaries 26(3): 709-719

Nemerson, D.M. and K.W. Able. 2003. Spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution and feeding habits of Morone saxatilis , in marsh creeks of Delaware Bay , USA . Fisheries Management and Ecology. 20: 337-348.

Light, P.R. and K.W. Able. 2003. Juvenile menhaden ( Brevoortia tyrannus ) in Delaware Bay , USA , are the result of local and long-distance recruitment. Est. Coast . Shelf Sci. 57: 1007-1014.

Duffy-Anderson, J.T., J. P. Manderson and K.W. Able. 2003. A characterization of juvenile fish assemblages around man-made structure in the New York-New Jersey harbor estuary, U.S.A. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(3): 877-889.

Sullivan, M.C., R.K. Cowen, K.W. Able, and M.P. Fahay. 2003. Effects of anthropogenic and natural disturbance on a recently settled continental shelf flatfish. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 260: 237-253.

Smith, K.J. and K.W. Able. 2003. Dissolved oxygen dynamics in salt marsh pools and its potential impacts on fish assemblages. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 258: 223-232.

Bell , G.W., D.A. Witting and K.W. Able. 2003 Aspects of metamorphosis and habitat use in the Conger eel, Conger oceanicus . Copeia. 2003(3):544-552.

Teo, S.L.H. and K.W. Able. 2003. Habitat use and movement of the mummichog ( Fundulus heteroclitus ) in a restored salt marsh. Estuaries 26(3): 720-730.

Raichel, D.L., K.W. Able, and J.M. Hartman. 2003. The influence of Phragmites (common reed) on the distribution, abundance and potential prey of a resident marsh fish in the Hackensack Meadowlands, New Jersey . Estuaries 26(2B): 511-521.

Able, K.W., S. M. Hagan and S.A. Brown. 2003. Mechanisms of marsh habitat alteration due to Phragmites : Response of young-of-the-year mummichog ( Fundulus heteroclitus ) to treatment for Phragmites removal. Estuaries May 22, 200326(2B): 484-494.

Teo, S.L.H. and K.W. Able. 2003. Growth and production of the common mummichog ( Fundulus heteroclitus ) in a restored salt marsh. Estuaries 26(1): 51-63.

Gillanders, B.M., K.W. Able, J.A. Brown, D.B. Eggleston and P. F. Sheridan. 2003. Evidence of connectivity between juvenile and adult habitats for mobile marine fauna: an important component of nurseries. Marine Ecology Progress Series 247: 281-295.

Martino, E. and K.W. Able. 2003. Fish assemblages across the marine to low salinity transition zone of a temperate estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 56(5-6): 967-985.

Hagan, S.M. and K.W. Able. 2003. Seasonal changes of the pelagic fish assemblage in a temperate estuary. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 56(1): 15-29.

Currin, C.A., S.C. Wainright, K.W. Able, M.P. Weinstein and C.M. Fuller. 2003. Determination of food web support and trophic position of the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus , in New Jersey smooth cordgrass ( Spartina alterniflora ), common reed ( Phragmites australis ) and restored salt marshes. Estuaries 26(2B): 495-510

Neuman, M.J. and K.W. Able. 2003. Inter-cohort differences in spatial and temporal settlement patterns of young-of-the-year windowpane, Scophthalmus aquosus , in southern New Jersey. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 56: 527-538.

Able, K.W., P. Rowe, M. Burlas, and D. Byrne. 2003. Use of ocean and estuarine habitats by young-of-year bluefish ( Pomatomus saltatrix ) in the New York Bight Fish. Bull 101: 201-214.

Minello, T.J., K.W. Able, M.P. Weinstein and C.G. Hays. 2003. Salt marshes as nurseries for nekton: testing hypotheses on density, growth, and survival through meta-analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 246: 39-59.

Diaz, R.J., G.R. Cutter and K.W. Able. 2003. The importance of physical and biogenic structure to juvenile fishes on the shallow inner continental shelf. Estuaries 26(1): 12-20.

Warlen, S.M., K.W. Able and E. Laban. 2003. Recruitment of larval Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) to North Carolina and New Jersey estuaries: evidence for larval transport northward along the east coast of the United States. Fish. Bull 100(3): 609-623.

Miller, M.J., D.N. Nemerson and K.W. Able. 2003. Seasonal distribution, abundance and growth of young-of-the-year Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus , in Delaware Bay and adjacent marshes. Fish. Bull. 101(1): 100-115.

Beck, M.W., K.L. Heck Jr., K.W. Able, D.L. Childers, D.B. Eggleston, B. M. Gillanders, B.S. Halpern, C.G. Hayes, K. Hoshino, T.J. Minello, R.J. Orth, P.F. Sheridan and M.P. Weinstein. 2003. The role of nearshore ecosystems as fish and shellfish nurseries. Issues in Ecology 11: 1-12.

Ammerman, J. W., Hood R. R., Case, D. A., and J. B. Cotner. 2003. Phosphorus deficiency in the Atlantic: An emerging paradigm in oceanography. EOS (Transactions, American Geophysical Union) 84: 165,170.

Nikolaus, R., Ammerman, J. W., and I. R. MacDonald. 2003. Distinct pigmentation and trophic modes in Beggiatoa from hydrocarbon seeps in the Gulf of Mexico. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 32:85-93.

Kennish, M. J. 2003. Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. In: Kennish, M. J. (ed.) Estuarine Research, Monitoring, and Resource Protection. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 57-113.

Kennish, M. J. 2003. Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve. In: Kennish, M. J. (ed.) Estuarine Research, Monitoring, and Resource Protection. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 233-258.

Won, Y-J, C.R. Young, R.A. Lutz, R.C. Vrijenhoek. 2003. Dispersal barriers and isolation among deep-sea mussel populations (Mytilidae: Bathymodiolus) from eastern Pacific hydrothermal vents. Molecular Ecology, 12:169-184.

Lutz, R.A., 2003. Dawn in the Deep. National Geographic Magazine, 203(2):92-103.

Hurtado, L.A. , M. Mateos, R.A. Lutz, R.C. Vrijenhoek. 2003. Coupling of bacterial endosymbiont and host mitochondrial genomes in the hydrothermal vent clam C. magnifica. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 69(4):2058-2064.

Vetriani, C., M.D. Speck, S.V Ellor, R.A. Lutz, V. Starovoytov. 2003. Thermovibrio ammoniificans sp. nov., a thermophilic, chemolithotrophic, nitrate ammonifying baceterium from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. IJSEM, 54:175-181.

Kennish, M. J. and S. M. Haag. 2003. Epibenthic community monitoring in New Jersey coastal bays: a priority initiative of estuarine research programs. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science, 48:11-15.

Kraeuter, J. N., M. J. Kennish, J. Dobarro, S. R. Fegley, and G. E. Flimlin, Jr. 2003. Rehabilitation of the northern quahog (hard clam) (/Mercenaria mercenaria/) habitats by shelling – 11 years in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Journal of Shellfish Research, 22:61-67.

Seitzinger, S.P., R.M. Styles, R. Lauck and M.A. Mazurek. 2003. Atmospheric pressure mass spectrometry: a new analytical chemical characterization method for dissolved organic matter in rainwater. Environ. Science Technol. 37: 131-137.

Wiegner, T.N. and S.P. Seitzinger, D.L. Breitburg, and J. G. Sanders. 2003. The effect of multiple stressors on the balance between autotrophic and heterotrophic processes in an estuarine system. Estuaries 26 (2A):352-364.

Yan,W.J., S.Zhang, P.Sun, and S.P.Seitzinger. 2003. How do nitrogen inputs to the Changjiang basin impact the Changjiang River nitrate: A temporal analysis for 1968-1997. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17(4):1091-1100.

Hartnett, H.A. and S.P. Seitzinger. 2003. High-resolution nitrogen gas profiles in sediment porewaters using a new membrane probe for membrane-inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS). Marine Chemistry 67:247-264.

Vetriani, C., Tran, H.V., and Kerkhof, L.J. (2003) Fingerprinting Microbial Assemblages from the Oxic/Anoxic Chemocline of the Black Sea. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:6381-6488.

Iskandarani, M., D. Haidvogel, and J. Levin, 2003, A three-dimentional spectral element model for the solution of the hydrostatic primitive equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 186 : 397-425

Rusch, A., M. Huettel, C. E. Reimers, G. L. Taghon, and C. M. Fuller. 2003. Activity and distribution of bacterial populations in Middle Atlantic Bight shelf sands. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 44:89-100.

Ahn, Y. B., S. K. Rhee, D. E. Fennell, L. J. Kerkhof, U. Hentschel, and M. M. Häggblom. 2003. Reductive Dehalogenation of Brominated Phenolic Compounds by Microorganisms Associated with the Marine Sponge Aplysina aerophoba.Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69: 4159-4166

Rhee, S.K., D. Fennell, M. Haggblom, and L. Kerkhof. 2003. Detection by PCR of reductive dehalogenase motifs in a sulfidogenic 2-bromophenol-degrading consortium enriched from estuarine sediment. FEMS Micro. Ecol. 43: 317-324.

Falkowski, P. G. and D. Tchernov. 2003. Human footprint on the ecological landscape. In. Earth System Analysis for Sustainabilty, ed, J. Schellnhuber. Springer-Verlag , Berlin.

Falkowski PG, Laws EA, Barber RT, Murray JW. 2003. Phytoplankton and their role in Primary, New, and Export Production. (Chapter 4) In Ocean Biogeochemistry: The Role of the Ocean Carbon Cycle in Global Change. [Ed] MJR Fasham. Global Change – The IGBP Series.

Koblizek M, etal. 2003. Isolation and characterization of Erythrobacter sp. strains from the upper ocean. Arch Microbiol. 180: 327-338.

Grzebyk, D., O. Schofield, C. Vetriani, and P. G. Falkowski. 2003. The Mesozoic radiation of eukaryotic algae: The portable plastid hypothesis. J. Phycol. 39:259-267.

Quigg, A. Finkel, Z.V. Irwin, A.J. Reinfelder, J.R. Rosenthal, Y. Ho,T-Y. Schofield, O. Morel, F.M.M. and Falkowski, P.G. 2003 The evolutionary inheritance of elemental stoichiometry in marine phytoplankton.Nature 425: 291-294.

Yu, Z. and X. Guo. 2003. Genetic linkage map of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica Gmelin.Biol. Bull. 204: 327–338.

Chiswell, S., J. Wilkin , J. D. Booth and B. Stanton 2003, Trans-Tasman Sea larval transport: Is Australia a source for New Zealand lobsters? Marine Ecology Progress Series , 247, 173-182.

Creed, E., Kerfoot, J., Mudgal, C., Glenn, S., Schofield , O., Jones, C., Webb, D., Campbell, T., Twardowski, M., Kirkpatrick, G., J. Hillier, 2003. Automated control of a fleet of Slocum Gliders within an operational coastal observatory, Oceans 2003 MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, San Diego, CA, V1, pp. 726-730.

Glenn, S.M . and T.D. Dickey, eds., 2003. SCOTS: Scientific Cabled Observatories for Time Series, NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Workshop Report, Portsmouth, VA, 80 pp.

Glenn, S.M. and O. Schofield , 2003. Observing the Oceans from the COOL Room: Our History, Experience, and Opinions , Oceanography , V16, N4, pp. 37-52.

Grzebyk, D., Schofield, O. , Vetriani, C., Falkowski, P. 2003. The Mesozoic radiation of eukaryotic algae: the portable plastid hypothesis . Journal of Phycology 39: 259-267.

Johnson, D. M., Miller, J., Schofield , O . 2003. Dynamics and optics of the Hudson River outflow plume. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108, NO. C10, 3323, doi:10.1029/2002JC001485 . 1-9.

Kirkpatrick, G. J., Orrico, C., Moline, M. A., Oliver, M. J. , Schofield, O. 2003. Continuous hyperspectral absorption measurements of colored dissolved organic material in aquatic systems. Applied Optics 42(33): 6564-6568.

Kohut, J. T. and S. M. Glenn , 2003. Calibration of HF radar surface current measurements using measured antenna beam patterns . Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Techology, 1303-1316.

Millie, D. F., G. L. Fahnenstiel, Steven E. Lohrenz, H. J. Carrick, T. Johengen, and O. M. E. Schofield (2003) Physical-biological coupling in southeastern Lake Michigan: Influence of episodic sediment resuspension on phytoplankton. Aquatic Ecology, 37, 393-408.

Quigg, A., Finkel, Z.V. , Irwin, A.J., Rosenthal, T., Ho, T-Y., Reinfelder, J.R., Schofield, O. , Morel, F.M., Falkowski, P.G. 2003. The evolutionary inheritance of elemental stoichiometry in marine phytoplankton . Nature 425: 291-294.

Styles, R., and S.M. Glenn , 2003. A theoretical investigation of bed-form shapes, Ocean Dynamics, 53, 278-287.

Schofield, O. , Bissett, W. P., Frazer, T. K., Iglesias-Rodriguez, D., Moline, M. A., Glenn, S . 2003. Development of regional coastal ocean observatories and the potential benefits to marine sanctuaries. Marine Technology Society 37: 54-67.

Schofield , O. , Chant, R., Kohut, J. T., Glenn, S. M . 2003. The evolution of a nearshore coastal observatory and the establishment of the New Jersey Shelf Observing System. Sea Technology 44(11): 52-58.

Peliz, A., J. Dubert, D. B. Haidvogel, 2003, Subinertial Response of a Density-Driven Eastern Boundary Poleward Current to Wind Forcing , Journal of Physical Oceanography (JPO) 33 : 1633-1650

Peliz, A., J. Dubert, D.B. Haidvogel, and B. Le Cann, 2003. Generation and unstable evolution of a density-driven Eastern Poleward Current: The Iberian Poleward Current, Journal of Geophysical Research 108, NO. C8, 3268, doi:10.1029/2002JC001443

Yu, Z., X. Kong, L. Zhang, X. Guo, J. Xiang. 2003. Taxonomic status of four C rassostrea oysters from China as inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. J. Shellfish Res. , 22(1):31-38.