Graduate Program in Oceanography (GPO)

About the Program

The Graduate Program in Oceanography (GPO) is centered in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, which serves as a focus of interdisciplinary studies and research in the areas of physical, biological, chemical and geological oceanography, and operational oceanography. A broad range of research opportunities are available, including: studies in the coastal ocean using advanced underwater instrumentation; remote sensing and ocean modeling; open ocean and shell fish research; advanced underwater optics and fish behavior; biodiversity and marine molecular biology; long term changes in the Antarctic Ocean; paleoceanography and chemical oceanography; fjords dynamics; coastal geomorphology; biological and geological processes at deep-sea hydrothermal vents; organism-sediment interactions; cycling of organic and inorganic materials in the ocean; watershed ecosystems.

Degree Options

Candidates with a baccalaureate degree may apply for either the Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degree program. Detailed requirements for both degrees, and for disciplinary options, are available from the Graduate Director, or by clicking here.

Perspective students interested in the Masters in Operational Oceanography can find more information about the program here: Master of Operational Oceanography.

Our graduates have been very successful in both the academic, private and government sectors (see: alumni).

Financial Support

GPO students are eligible for financial support through sponsored research grants and contracts awarded to faculty. In addition, a limited number of state-supported graduate assistantships, teaching assistantships and graduate fellowships are available each year.

Rutgers Academic Year (10-month) assistantships and fellowships include a stipend and full tuition remission. The GPO program has had an excellent record of sustaining full financial support through to graduation.

For additional information regarding the Graduate Program in Oceanography (GPO) please email

Graduate Program in Oceanography
Contact Information

Graduate Admissions Application Fee Waivers

The Office of Graduate Admissions grants application fee waivers to the following groups only: active U.S. military and military veterans who plan to apply for educational benefits under the GI Bill, current Rutgers students and alumni, and participants in various scholar programs. Students are automatically reviewed for fee waiver eligibility based on the information they provide on their Rutgers graduate school application.

Any applicants who have questions about the waiver policy,  can contact Graduate Admissions here: 

Application deadline: January 1st