Oceanography Graduate Student Association

The purpose of this organization shall be to further the social, cultural, academic and research interests of the students in the graduate program in Oceanography and to act as an intermediary between the graduate students and the faculty. All currently enrolled students in the graduate program in Oceanography and Operational Oceanography are invited to be members of this organization. Correspondence regarding OGSA events will come from the OGSA officers to all current students via email.

President: Sam Alaimo

Vice President: Bor-jiun Jong

Treasurer: Becca Horwitz

Secretary: Logan Gonzalez

Seminar Committiee: Jessey Kreinik (Co-Chair), Becca Horwitz (Co-Chair), Jolie Tosten, Cody Benton, Maya Sharpe, Leah Hopson, and  Fiorella Prada (Faculty Representative)