Name | Advisor | Thesis | Degree | Current Location | |
Austin Grubb | Bidle | Light-dependent ecophysiological costs and benefits of calcification in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi | Ph.D. 2024 | ||
Charlotte Bramich | Daphne Munroe Josh Kohut Alexander Lopez | Bottom Water Characterization of Atlantic Surfclam Habitats off New Jersey's Coast | M.S. Operational Oceanography 2024 | ||
Salvatore Fricano | Scott Glenn Oscar Schofield Alexander Lopez | The Glider Guidance System (GGS): A model-Guilded Path-Planning Program for Advancing Glider Operations through Depth-Averaged Ocean Currents | M.S. Operational Oceanography 2024 | ||
Jesse Noble | Karen Bemis James Miller Alexander Lopez | A Dive into Theorectical Heat Flux of Diffuse Flow Hydrothermal Vent Plumes and Applications to Extraterrestrial Oceans | M.S. Operational Oceanography 2024 | ||
Nicholas Occhiogrosso | Grace Saba Josh Kohut Alexander Lopez | Observing Zooplankton Distribution in Relation to Ocean Conditions in the Mid-Atlantic Bight | M.S. Operational Oceanography 2024 | ||
Scott Pescatore | Josh Kohut Thomas Grothues Alexander Lopez | Correlating fish tag detections to satellite derived water masses and ocean front gradients | M.S. Operational Oceanography 2024 | ||
Trivik Ragha | Kay Bidle Robert Chant Matthew Rau (GWU) Alexander Lopez | The Mathematical Physics of Marine Particle Aggregation: A Comoputational Exploration of The Smoluchowski Coagulation Equation | M.S. Operational Oceanography 2024 | ||
Sophie Scopazzi | Travis Miles Scott Glenn Alexander Lopez | Sensor and Behavior Frameworks for Implementing Backseat Driver on a Slocum Glider | M.S. Operational Oceanography 2024 | ||
Jackie Veatch | Kohut | Physical Drivers of Food Web Focusing in Marine Ecosystems | Ph.D. 2024 | ||
Michael Chen | Schofield | Spatial and Seasonal Controls on Eddy Subduction in the Southern Ocean | M.S. 2024 | ||
Ryan Glaubke | Sikes | A Late Quaternary History of Interior Ocean Circulation and Ventilation from the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean | Ph.D. 2024 | ||
Jake Zappala | Miles | Does Prominent Coastal Upwelling along New Jersey Lead to Increases in Offshore Wind Turbine Power Production? | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2023 | ||
Yachen Li | Lopez | Estuarine Particle Simulations: The Connection Between Delaware Bay and Offshore Wind Lease Areas | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2023 | ||
Rhyan Gretch | Kohut | Impacts of Oceanic Conditions on North Atlantic Right Whale Distribution on the Nantucket Shoals | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2023 | ||
Bre DiRenzi | Munroe | Biological Response of Spisula Solidissma (Atlantic Surfclams) to Varying Carbonate Chemistry in the Mid-Atlantic Bight | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2023 | ||
Emily Busch | Miles | A Dip in the Pool: Analyzing the Stability Strength of the Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2023 | ||
Leslie Birch | Kohut | Dodging Ships: Is New Jersey Traffic a Threat to Underwater Gliders? | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2023 | ||
Hailey Riechelson | Rosenthal | South Westerly Wind migrations and contributions to Holocene and previous interglacials climate | Ph. D. 2023 | Postdoctoral Researcher, St. Johns University, NY | |
Philip Duzinski | Chant | Transport Mechanisms in the upper Delaware Estuary | Ph. D. 2023 | Environmental Engineer at Philadelphia Water Department, Philadelphia, PA | |
Heidi Yeh | Bushek | Disruption and Stability in the Oyster Microbiome | Ph. D. 2023 | Policy Director, Pinelands Preservation Alliance, M.S, Southampton, NJ | |
Christopher Johns | Bidle | Functional roles of biominerals during virus infection of Emiliania huxleyi | Ph. D. 2023 | Postdoctoral Researcher, B CUBE (Center for Molecular Bioengineering), TU Dresden, Germany | |
Malarie O'Brien | Lopez | Action Argo: adapting the Argo network to collect actionable data and advance intensity forecasts of storms | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2023 | ||
Vince Clementi | Rosenthal | Pore water constraints on methone hydrate and fluid migration in the south Chilean Margin subduction zone | Ph. D. 2023 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Rutgers University | |
Timothy Stolarz | Lopez | Understanding Ocean Highways: Trends in Surface Current Divergence in Urbanized Coastal Margins for a Predictable Ocean | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2022 | Rutgers University, RUCOOL - CODAR technician | |
Casey Jones | Lopez | Above and Below the Waves: Analysis of Coordinated Surface and Subsurface Autonomous Vehicle Data | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2022 | Oceanographic Technical Specialist, NOAA, Center for Operational Products & Services (CO-OPS) | |
Courtney Dreyfus | Lopez | Aligning the seasonal migrations of North Atlantic Right Whales with oceanic features | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2022 | JASCO Applied Sciences, North Carolina | |
Samuel Coakley | Miles | The evolution of a stratified upper ocean under tropical cyclone forcing | M.S. 2022 | US Climate Variability and Predictability Program | |
Janine Barr | Munroe | Wild and farm Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) cocntributions to improved water quality in the mid-Atlantic: contemporary and future climate in-situ estimates | M.S. 2022 | Knauss Fellowship | |
Schuyler Nardelli | Schofield | Seasonal dynamics of plankton ecology in coastal Antarctica | Ph.D. 2022 | Knauss Fellowship | |
Liza Wright-Fairbanks | Saba | Observing seasonal cycles, drivers, and potential biological impacts of ocean acidification in the Mid-Atlantic Bight | Ph.D. 2021 | Knauss Fellowship | |
Emily Slesinger | Saba | Black sea bass physiology and life history in the context of seasonal and long-term climate change | Ph.D. 2021 | NOAA NMFS lab in Newport, Oregon | |
Jonathan Sherman | Falkowski | Photosynthetic Energy Conversion Efficiency in the Ocean | Ph.D. 2021 | Postdoctoral Researcher at CCNY/Columbia | |
Ailey Sheehan | Beaird | Developing an Open-Source Analysis Pipeline For a Glider-Based Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2021 | Haskins Shellfish Lab | |
Ted Thompson | Beaird/Saba | Best Practices for Sea-Bird Scientific deep ISFET-based pH sensor integrated into a Slocum Webb Glider | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2021 | U.S. Geological Survey | |
Chuning Wang | Chant | Modeling Buoyancy - Driven Circulation in an Idealized Tidewater Glacier Fjord | Ph.D. 2021 | Postdoc - School of Oceanography, Shanghai CHINA | |
Clifford Watkins | Glenn | Mixed Layer Dynamics: Exploring the Impacts of Storms in the Mid Atlantic Bight | Ph.D. 2021 | Postdoctoral Researcher at U.S. Naval Research Laboratory | |
Sarah Murphy | Miles | Coastal Upwelling and the Offshore Wind Environment | M.S. 2021 | Project Scientist- JASCO Applied Sciences, North Carolina | |
Jessica Valenti | Grothues | Fishes of a Temperate Estuary: Ecology and Response to an Urbanized Watershed | Ph.D. 2020 | Climate Awareness Innovation Specialist - NJ Department of Education | |
Joe Anamuro | Beaird | An Open-Source Software Application for Drifter Trajectory Prediction in the Mid-Atlantic Bight | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2020 | Environmental Science Analyst at Sage Services | |
Julia Engdahl | Beaird | Developing an automated analysis of fish migration video using computer vision algorithms | M.S. in Operational Oceanography 2020 | Rutgers University - RUCOOL - Laboratory Researcher | |
Mike Brown | Schofield | Drivers of phytoplankton dynamics, and corresponding impacts on biogeochemistry, along the West Antarctic Peninsula | Ph.D. 2020 | Post-Doctoral Research Scientist at the Finger Lakes Institute of Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY | |
Alex Lopez | Wilkin | Modeling the Circulation and Timescales of the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine | Ph.D. 2020 | Assistant Teaching Professor, Rutgers University | |
Joseph Caracappa | Munroe | Blood-Dependent Morphology, Behavior, and Biophysical Interactions among Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Zoeae | Ph.D. 2019 | Postdoctoral Researcher, MIT | |
Isabel Hong | Horton | Developing proxies to recontruct the intesity and magnitude of prehistoric tropical cyclones and earthquakes | Ph.D. 2019 | Assistant Professor, Villanova University | |
Jennifer Walker | Horton | Late Holocene relative sea level in New Jersey: Examining proxies, timing, and mechanisms | Ph.D. 2019 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Rutgers University | |
Brittany Schieler | Bidle | Exploring the roles of Nitric Oxide production in the Coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi | Ph.D. 2019 | Science Communication Fellow, ASLO | |
Luis Fernando Pareja | Chant | Delaware Hydrodynamics and sediment transport in the Anthropocene | Ph.D. 2019 | Postdoctoral Researcher Rutgers University | |
Sarah Lietzke | Haidvogel | Climate-Modulated Volume Transport through the Coral Triangle and its Impacts on Larval Connectivity | Ph.D. 2019 | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine | |
Christien Laber | Bidle | Evaluating Ecosystem Functions of Coccollithovirus Infection in miliania huxleyi: Bridging Micro, Meso, and Global Scales | Ph.D. 2018 | University of Montana | |
Sushmita Patwardhan | Vetriani | Prokaryotic diversity, physiology and function at Tor Caldara, a shallow-water gas vent in the Tyrrhenian Sea | Ph.D. 2018 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Systems Biology | |
Chris Free | Jensen | Fisheries management in the face of capacity, data, and climate challenges | Ph.D. 2018 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Santa Barbara, CA | |
Zhuomin Chen | Curchitser | Dynamics and Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool | Ph.D. 2018 | Postdoctoral Fellow, WHOI | |
Amy Kuzminov | Severmann | Uranium isotope ratios; a proxy to understad carbon burial in varying redox environments in ocean Anoxic Eventa | M.S. 2018 | Senior Research Associate, TriLink BioTechnologies, San Diego, CA | |
Rachel Gula | Adams | Microbial Host-Mutualist Communication in Marine Organisms: Insights from the Giant Clam Hippopus Hippopus | M.S. 2017 | Physician Assistant, Midwestern University | |
Nicole Couto | Schofield | Circulation and Heat Transport on the West Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf | Ph.D. 2017 | Posdoctoral Associate, Scripps Research Institute | |
Jaclyn Specht | Fuchs | Effects of temperature on hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) feeding and energetics | M.S. 2017 | Maryland Department of Natural Resources | |
Katherine Nickerson | Grothues | Changing Fish Assemblages in a Mid-Atlantic Fishery: Sensitivity Analysis of a Long-term Time Series to Climate Change and Guild Construction | M.S. 2017 | Virginia Institute of Marine Science | |
Filipa Carvalho | Kohut & Schofield | Coupled physical and phytoplankton dynamics in coastal Antarctica | Ph.D. 2017 | Postdoctoral Researcher, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom | |
Patrick Flanagan | Pinsky | Community-temperature mismatch in a benthic marine ecosystem | M.S. 2017 | OLLIE Oceanlab | |
Aboozar Tabatabai | Wilkin | Physical and biogeochemical modeling in Delaware Estuary | Ph.D. 2016 | Estuarine, Coastal, and Global Ocean Modeler, Cambridge, MA | |
Greg Seroka | Glenn | Stratified Coastal Ocean Interactions with Hurricanes and the Sea Breeze in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic | Ph.D. 2016 | NOAA, Washington DC | |
Jacqueline McSweeney | Chant | Sediment Transport Dynamics in Delaware Estuary | Ph.D. 2016 | Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University | |
Anthony Vastano | Jensen | Age and growth of a subtropical marsh fish: The Gulf Killifish, Fundulus grandis | M.S. 2016 | Lab Manager, Rutgers University | |
Joomi Kim | Falkowski | Studies on the effect of cell cycle arrest on central metabolism in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, using physiological and systems biology approaches | Ph.D. 2016 | Data Scientist, NY | |
Jeanna Drake | Falkowski | The skeletal proteome and production of calcifying proteins in the stony coral Stylophora pistillata | Ph.D. 2015 | Research Associate, UCLA | |
Lauren Seyler | Kerkhof | Discerning the mechanisms of coexistence between marine cren/thaumarchaea and marine bacteria via stable isotope probing | Ph.D. 2015 | Postdoctoral Investigator, WHOI | |
Guang Yu | Rona & Bemis | Quantitative observations of a deep-sea hydrothermal plume using an acoustic imaging sonar | Ph.D. 2015 | Postdoctoral Scholar, WHOI | |
Lauren Weisel | Sikes | Estimating New Zealand temperature and aridity since the last glacial maximum from biomass burning markers | M.S. 2015 | MERCK, Metuchen, NJ | |
Christina Haskins | Schofield | Glider measurements of phytoplankton physiology in penguin foraging zones along the Western Antarctic Peninsula | M.S. 2015 | Associate Director of Data and Science Operations at the National Deep Submergence Facility, WHOI | |
Kaycee Coleman | Grothues | Understanding the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) Southern New England / Mid-Atlantic stock through historical trawl surveys and monitoring cross continental shelf movement | M.S. 2014 | Research Project Coordinator, Rutgers University | |
Nicole Waite | Severmann | The Role of Sedimentary Sulfide in Seagrass Decline in Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor, NJ | M.S. 2014 | Marine and Glider technician, Rutgers University | |
Xinzhong (Peter) Zhang | Haidvogel | Atlantic Surfclam Larval Transport, Population Connectivity, and Physical Drivers on the Middle Atlantic Bight and Georges Bank | Ph.D. 2014 | Decision Technician Modeler, Chase Bank | |
Julie Kalansky | Rosenthal | Internal and Forced Variability of the Equatorial Pacific on Millennial and Centennial Time Scales | Ph.D. 2014 | Posdoctoral Associate, Scripps Research Institute | |
Travis Miles | Glenn | Observations and modeling of the coastal ocean beneath tropical and extra-tropical cyclones | Ph.D. 2014 | Assistant Professor, Rutgers University | |
Kevin Crum | Fuchs | Modeling plankton in a human-impacted estuary | M.S. 2014 | Scientific Programmer, Late Nite Labs | |
Tali Babila | Rosenthal | Boron/Calcium in planktonic foraminifera | Ph.D. 2013 | Assistant Professor, Bowdoin College | |
Kathleen Harazin | Sherrell | The trace element composition of suspended particulate matter from the Amundsen Sea Polynya, West Antarctica | M.S. 2013 | PhD student, Australian National University | |
Mikaela Provost | Jensen | Understanding sex change in exploited fish populations | M.S. 2013 | Graduate student at UC Davis | |
Maria Aristizabal | Chant | Salt dispersion in Delaware | Ph.D. 2013 | IMSG at NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC | |
Anna Hermes | Sikes | Spatial and seasonal particulate organic carbon cycling within the Delaware estuary, assessed using biomarker and stable carbon isotopic approaches | M.S. 2013 | Environmental Analyst, Philadelphia Water Department | |
Benedetto Schiraldi Jr. | Sikes | A multi-proxy look at deglacial southwest Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature and thermocline source water changes | M.S. 2013 | Graduate Student, Stony Brook University | |
Yi Xu | Schofield | Phytoplankton dynamics studying using observation and bio-physical modeling | Ph.D. 2013 | Post Doctoral Associate, North Carolina State University | |
Dove Guo | Chant | The effect of wind and momentum advection in the James River estuary from field observations | M.S. 2012 | ||
Elizabeth Diamond | Bushek | Do scavengers influence dermo disease (Perkinsus marinus) transmission? | M.S. 2012 | Technician, Smithsonian Institution | |
Katherine Esswein | Rosenthal | Patterns of climate variability in the Western Equatorial Pacific during the Common Era | M.S. 2012 | Research Staff Assistant, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | |
Joe Jurisa | Chant | Impact of cross-shelf winds and estuarine/coastal ocean coupling on buoyant plume systems | Ph.D. 2012 | Research Associate & Postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University | |
Matthew Yergey | Able | Movement of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) | M.S. 2012 | Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission | |
Eleni Anagnostou | Sherrell | The development and application of nutrient and carbonate system proxies in the deep sea coral Desmophyllum dianthus | Ph.D. 2011 | Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Southampton | |
Kate Korotky | Nordstrom | Effects of sand fences and beach raking on beach and dune dimensions | M.S. 2011 | Ensign, Fleet Survey Team, United States Navy | |
Laura Nazzaro | Kohut | Improving models of covariation between marine communities and their habitats by incorporating pelagic features captured by coastal ocean observatories | M.S. 2011 | Research Analyst, Rutgers University | |
Brian Gaas | Ammerman | Response and regulation of cell-surface hydrolases to nutrient stress in river-influenced coastal areas | Ph.D. 2010 | ||
Donglai Gong | Glenn | Mesoscale variability on the New Jersey shelf | Ph.D. 2010 | Associate Professor, Virginia Institute of Marine Science | |
Michelle LaVigne | Sherrell | Coralline P/CA: development and application of a novel surface ocean phosphate proxy | Ph.D. 2010 | Assistant Professor, Bowdoin College | |
Carrie Ferraro | Kerkhof | Specialized relationships between active bacteria and their environment | Ph.D. 2010 | Assistant Professor, Rutgers Instructional Support | |
Hui Liu | de Vargas | Microbial reductive dechlorination of weathered polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in contaminated sediments | Ph.D. 2010 | Quality Statistics Co-op Consultant, Bristol-Myers Squibb | |
Joan Pravatiner | Able | Estuarine habitat and behavior of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | M.S. 2010 | Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries | |
Livia Gong (Montone) | Sherrell | A coral skeleton geochemical record of surface water properties in the Oman upwelling region | M.S. 2010 | Masters in Education program, College of William & Mary, MD | |
Wanjing Liao | Bidle | Further characterization of metacaspase expression and activity in marine phytoplankton | M.S. 2010 | Science Laboratory Teaching Support Technician For High School, Western Acad. of Beijing | |
Kayte Altieri | Seitzinger | Insights into the molecular level composition, sources, and formation mechanisms of dissolved organic matter in aerolsols and precipitation | Ph.D. 2009 | Lecturer in Oceanography, University of Cape Town | |
Frank Natale | Falkowski | Effects of pCO2 on Photosynthetic Capacity and Growth of the Symbiotic Dinoflagellate Symbiodinium spp. in vitro | M.S. 2009 | Flow Cytometry Field Application Scientist for ThermoFisher Scientific | |
Rachel Sipler | Seitzinger & Schofield | The role of dissolved organic matter in structuring microbial community composition | Ph.D. 2009 | Canada Research Chair Assistant Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland | |
Weifeng (Gordon) Zhang | Wilkin | Coastal ocean modeling using variational methods for freshwater dispersal study, data assimilation and observing system design | Ph.D. 2009 | Associate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | |
Chengi Yan | Falkowski | Energy storage in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii measured with photoacoustic techniques | M.S. 2009 | ||
Kate (Jordan) Florio | Rosenthal | Evaluating carbonate saturation effects on magnesium calcium core top calibration in benthic foraminifera | M.S. 2008 | ||
L. Alex Kahl | Schofield | Phytoplankton physiology and export flux | Ph.D. 2008 | Senior Advisor, Bureau of Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State | |
Nicole Raineault | Nordstrom | Effects of bulkheads on estuarine beach swash zone processes and characteristics | M.S. 2008 | Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Rhode Island | |
Ramya Ramadurai | Glenn | Water mass classification using band ratios | M.S. 2008 | Global Program Manager, CSM. Cleveland, OH | |
Sindia Sosdian | Rosenthal | Climate transitions across the cenozoic: insight from elemental ratios in benthic foraminifera and marine gastropods | Ph.D. 2008 | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cardiff University | |
Steve Tuorto | Taghon | Prey density-dependant protozoan bacterivory | Ph.D. 2008 | NJ Watershed Ambassador | |
Jason Sylvan | Ammerman | Assessing multiple indicators of nutrient limitation in marine phytoplankton on the Louisiana continental shelf | Ph.D. 2008 | Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University | |
Sherrie Whittaker | Falkowski | Using molecular techniques to quantify iron bound nitrogenase in trichodesmium IMS 101 and natural populations | M.S. 2008 | ||
Emily Clinch | Rosenthal | Scientific literacy and undergraduate education at Rutgers University | M.S. 2007 | ||
David Gruber | Taghon | Ecological stoichiometry of marine bacteria: relationship to growth rate, protozoan predation, and organic matter degradationd | Ph.D. 2007 | Presidential Professor Biology and Environmental Science, Baruch College, City University of New York | |
Grant Law | Quinlan | The impacts of spatial and temporal variability of larval transport on the distribution and population dynamics of the sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) | Ph.D. 2007 | Sales and Instructions at Pacific Wilderness | |
Gregg Foti | Wilkin | The Hudson River plume : utilizing an ocean model and field observations to predict and analyze physical processes that affect the freshwater transport | Ph.D. 2006 | Oceanographer, K&G Solutions | |
Yongcheng Ji | Sherrell | Differential effects of phosphorus limitation on cellular metals in Chlorella and Microcystis | Ph.D. 2006 | Principle Chemist at Entegris | |
Matt Oliver | Falkowski & Schofield | Towards a synthesis of continental shelf dynamics and eukaryotic phytoplankton evolution | Ph.D. 2006 | Assistant Professor, University of Delaware | |
Tuo Shi | Falkowski | Genome-enabled informatics and biochemical genetics in marine cyanobacteria | Ph.D. 2006 | Senior Scientist, Sapphire Energy, Inc. | |
Felisa Wolfe-Simon | Falkowski & Schofield | The role and evolution of superoxide dismutases in algae | Ph.D. 2006 | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | |
Brenda Landau | Guo | An investigation into the phenotypic consequences of triploidy and aneuployd in two cupped oyster species, crassostrea Virginica and crassostrea gigas | Ph.D. 2006 | Algologist, Rutgers University | |
Shannon Newby | J Grassle | Boundary layer flow and interactions between initial surfclam recruits (spisula solidissima), the hermit crab (pagurus longicarpus), and the sea star (asterias forbesi) | Ph.D. 2006 | Oxnard College | |
Yonghua Chen | J Francis & J Miller | Observed and modeled relationships among surface temperature, cloud properties, and longwave radiation over the Arctic Ocean | Ph.D. 2005 | Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University | |
Zoe Finkel | Falkowski & Schofield | Physiological bases for environmentally driven changes in phytoplankton community structure | Ph.D. 2005 | Assistant Professor, Mount Allison University | |
Steven Litvin | Trophic linkages, movements, condition and energetics of a juvenile marine transient in the Delaware Bay Estuary: implications for the role of habitat in recruitment success | Ph.D. 2005 | Senior Research Specialist, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | ||
Trisha Bergmann | Falkowski & Schofield | The physiological ecology and natural distribution patterns of cryptomonad algae in coastal aquatic ecosystems | Ph.D. 2004 | International Policy & Diplomacy, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration | |
Louis Bowers | Glenn | The effect of sea surface temperature on sea breeze dynamics along the coast of New Jersey | M.S. 2004 | Senior Meteorologist, Iberdrola Renewables | |
Byoung-Ju Choi | Haidvogel | Interannual variation of the polar front in the East/Japan Sea : observed data and numerical simulations | Ph.D. 2004 | Associate Professor, Chonnam National University | |
Yungkul Kim | Powell | Geographical distribution of parasites and pathologies and relationship to contaminant body burden in sentinel bivalves : NOAA status and trends ‘Mussel Watch’ Program | Ph.D. 2003 | Assistant Professor Integrated Environmental Science & Natural Sciences | |
Josh Nelson | Kerkhof | Time series analysis using TRFLP analysis and DNA sequencing of 16S rDNA genes to assess background bacterioplankton variability and to identify dominant microorganisms off the coast of New Jersey | M.S. 2002 | Biology Teacher, Point Pleasant High School | |
Joe Grzymski | Schofield | Ecosystem, cellular and sub-cellular dynamics of the marine, diatom plastid | Ph.D. 2002 | Associate Research Professor, Desert Research Institute | |
Christopher Gregg | J Grassle | Effects of biological and physical processes on the vertical distribution and horizontal transport of bivalve larvae in an estuarine inlet | Ph.D. 2002 | Associate Rector & Instructor, Louisiana State University | |
Josh Kohut | Glenn | Spatial current structure observed with a calibrated HF radar system : the influence of local forcing, stratification, and topography on the inner shelf | Ph.D. 2002 | Professor, Rutgers University | |
Tracy Wiegner | Seitzinger | Microbial and photochemical degradation of allochthonous dissolved organic matter within river systems and watersheds | Ph.D. 2002 | Associate Professor, University of Hawai’i at Hilo | |
Tomoko Komada | Reimers | Sorptive dynamics and fluorescence properties of organic carbon within coastal sedimentary environments | Ph.D. 2002 | Associate Professor, San Francisco State University | |
Jay Cullen | Sherrell | The Biogeochemistry of Cadmium and Iron in the Ocean: Uptake by Marine Phytoplankton | Ph.D. 2001 | Associate Professor, Unversity of Victoria | |
Hongguang Ma | J Grassle | Physical mechanisms and temporal and spatial patchiness in bivalve larval supply and settlement of the inner shelf of the mid-Atlantic bight | Ph.D. 2001 | Statistician, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration | |
Hank Statscewich | Glenn | Wind-Forced Upwelling Over High Latitute Submarine Canyons: A Numerical Modeling Study | M.S. 2001 | Researcher, University of Alaska Fairbanks | |
Sasha Tozzi | Falkowski & Schofield | Competition and succession of key marine phytoplankton functional groups in a variable environment | M.S. 2001 | OMEGA Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California Santa Cruz | |
Scott Durski | Haidvogel | Physical-biological interactions in the ocean : modeling the effects of large and small scale circulation on simple planktonic systems | Ph.D. 2000 | Research Associate, Oregon State University | |
Karen Stocks | J Grassle | Factors affecting macroinfaunal community structure in salt marshes | Ph.D. 2000 | Director, Geological Data Center of Scripps Institution of Oceanography | |
Enrique Curchitser | Haidvogel | On the transient adjustment of a mid-latitude abyssal ocean basin with realistic geometry and bathymetry | Ph.D. 1999 | Professor, Rutgers University | |
David Scala | Kerkhof | Using the nitrous oxide reductase (NOSZ) gene as a molecular marker for tracking denitrifying bacteria in marine and coastal environments | Ph.D. 1999 | High School Science Teacher | |
Hai Pan | Avissar | A coupled lake-atmosphere model (CLAM) and its application to Lake Kinneret | Ph.D. 1999 | ||
Richard Styles | A continental shelf bottom boundary layer model: development, calibration, and applications to sediment transport in the Middle Atlantic Bight | Ph.D. 1998 | Associate Professor, University of South Carolina | ||
Hoyle Lee | Haidvogel | A gulf stream synthetic geoid for the topex altimeter | M.S. 1997 | Intermediate Systems Analyst/Programmer, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | |
James Ross | Sherrell | Geochemistry of trace metals in New Jersey pinelands streams | M.S. 1995 | Staff Associate, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | |
Hao-Jan Hsing | Sherrell | M.S. 1995 | National Science & Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, Taiwan | ||
Mike Crowley | Glenn | Monitoring the Gulf Stream: an application of remote sensing and geographic information systems | M.S. 1993 | Technical Director, Rutgers University |