DMCS 2008 Publications

Samson, J.C., S. Shumway and J.S. Weis. 2008 Effects of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense on three species of larval fish: a food web approach. J. Fish Biol. 72: 168-188.

Bergey, L. and J.S Weis 2008. Aspects of population ecology in two populations of fiddler crabs, Uca pugnax. Marine Biology 154: 435-442.

Bass, C.S. and J.S. Weis 2008. Increased abundance of snails and trematode parasites of Fundulus heteroclitus (L.) in restored New Jersey wetlands. Wetland Ecol. Mgmt. 16:173-182.

Roudez, R.J., T. Glover and J.S. Weis 2008. Learning in an invasive and a native predatory crab. Biol. Invasions 10: 1191-1196.

MacDonald, J., T. Glover, and J.S. Weis.2008 The impact of mangrove prop-root epibionts on juvenile reef fishes: a field experiment using artificial roots and epifauna. Estuaries and Coasts 31:981-993.

Grothues, T. M., Dobarro, J., Ladd, J., Higgs, A., Niezgoda, G., Miller, D., 2008. Use of a multi-sensored AUV to telemeter tagged Atlantic sturgeon and map their spawning habitat in the Hudson River, USA . IEEE/OES. DOI. 10.1109/AUV.2008.5347597

Di Lorenzo, E., N. Schneider, K. M. Cobb, P. J. S. Franks, K. Chhak, A. J. Miller, J. C. McWilliams, S. J. Bograd, H. Arango, E. Curchitser, T. M. Powell, and P. Rivière. 2008. North Pacific Gyre Oscillation links ocean climate and ecosystem change. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(L8), L08607.

Muccino, J. C., H. G. Arango, A. F. Bennett, B. S. Chua, B. D. Cornuelle, E. Di Lorenzo, G. D. Egbert, D. Haidvogel, J. C. Levin, H. Luo, A. J. Miller, A. M. Moore, and E. D. Zaron. 2008. The Inverse Ocean Modeling System. Part II: Applications. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25(9), 1623-1637.

Powell, B.S., H.G. Arango, A.M. Moore, E. Di Lorenzo, R.F. Milliff, D. Foley. 2008. 4DVAR data assimilation in the Intra-Americas Sea with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) . Ocean Modelling, 25(3-4), 173-188.

Andrianasolo, E. H., Haramaty, L., vardi, A., White, E., Lutz, R, Falkowski, P. G. 2009. Apoptosis-inducing galactolipids from a cultured marine diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum . Journal of natural Products. 10.1021/np800124

Mathew, R., Degenhardt, K., Haramaty, L., Karp, C. M., White, E. (2008). Immortalized mouse epithelial cell models to study the role of apoptosis in cancer . Methods in Enzymology, Volume 446. ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(08)01605-4

Voordeckers, J. W., Do, M. H., Hugher, M., Ko, V., Sievert, S. M., Vetriani, C. 2008. Culture dependent and independent analyses of 16S rRNA and ATP citrate lyase genes: A comparison of microbial communities from different black smoker chimneys on Mid-Atalntic Ridge . Extremophiles. 12: 627-640.

Gentry, K. D., Sosdian, S., Grossman, E. L., Rosenthal, Y., Hicks, D., Lear, C. 2008. Stable isotope and Sr/Ca profiles from the marine gastropod conus ermineus: Testing a multiproxy approach for inferring paleotemperature and paleosalinity . Palaios. 23: 195-209.

Lear, C., Bailey, T., Pearson, P. N., Coxall, H. K., Rosenthal, Y. 2008. Cooling and ice growth across the Eocene-Oligocene transition . The Geologcal Society of America. 36(3): 251-254

Langton, S. J., Linsley, B. K., Robinson, R. S., Rosenthal, Y., Oppo, D. W., Howe, S. S., Djajadihardja, Y. S., Syamsudin, F. 2008. 3500 yr record of centennial-scale climate variability from the Western Pacific Warm Pool. The Geologcal Society of America. 36(10): 795-798.

Katz, M. E., Miller, K. G., Wright, J. D., Wade, B. S., Browning, J. V., Cramer, B. S., Rosenthal. Y. 2008. Stepwise transition from the Eocene greenhouse to the Oligocene icehouse . Nature Geosciences.

Cermeno, P., Dutkiewiczm Harris, R. P., Follows, M., Schofied, O., Falkowski. 2008. The role of nutricline depth in regulating the ocean carbon cycle . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(51): 20344-20349.

Peterson, C. H., K. W. Able, C. F. DeJong, M. F. Piehler, C. A. Simenstad, and J. B. Zedler. 2008. Practical proxies for tidal marsh ecosystem services: Application to injury and restoration . Pp. 221-266 /in/ D. W. Sims (ed.) Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 54. Academic Press, Elsevier Inc., San Diego, CA

MacQuarrie, S.P., V.M. Bricelj, 2008 Behavioral and physiological responses to PSP toxins in Mya arenaria populations in relation to previous exposure to red tides. Marine Ecology Progress Series 366: 59-74.

Iglesias-Rodriguez, M. D., Buitenhuis, E. T., Raven, J. A., Schofield ,O ., Poulton, A., Gibbs, S., Halloran, P. R., de Baar, H. J. 2008. Response to: Phytoplankton calcification in a high CO2 world. Science 322,1466c doi: 10.1126/science.1161501

Lohrenz, S. E., Fahnenstiel, G. L., Schofield, O., Millie, D. F. 2008. Coastal sediment dynamics and river discharge as key factors influencingcoastal ecosystem productivity in southeastern Lake Michigan. Oceanography 21(4): 55-63

Chant, R. J., John Wilkin, J. J., Weifeng, Z., Choi, B., Hunter, E.,Castelao, R., Glenn, S., Jurisa, J., Schofield, O., Houghton, R.,Kohut, J., Frazer, T. K., Moline. M. A. 2008. Dispersal of the Hudson River Plume on the New York Bight. Oceanography 21(4): 149-162.

Diamond, E. A., Richer de Forges, B., Kornicker, L. S. 2008. Azytgocypridina brynmawria, a new myodocopid ostracod off Landsdowne Bank, New Caledonia (Crustacea: ostracoda: Myodocopa: Cypridinidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 121(3): 354-364.

Sipler, R., Seitzinger, S. 2008. Useof electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry to investigatecomplex dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its potential applicationsin phytoplankton research. Harmful Algae 8: 182-187.

Falkowski, P. G., Isozaki, Y. 2008. The story of O2. Science. 10.1126/science.1162641

Schofield, O., Chant, R., Cahill, B., Castelao, R., Gong, D., Kahl,A., Kohut, J., Montes-Hugo, M., Ramadurai, R., Ramey, P., Xu, Y.,Glenn, S. M. 2008. The decadal view of the Mid-Atlantic Bight from the COOLroom: Is our coastal system changing? . Oceanography 21(4): 108-117.

Moline , M. A., Frazer, T. K., Chant, R., Glenn, S., Jacoby, C. A., Reinfelder, J. R., Yost, J., Zhou, M., Schofield, O. 2008. Biological responses in a dynamic, buoyant river plume. Oceanography 21(4): 71-89.

Oka, A. R., Phelps, C. D., McGuinness, L. M., Mumford, A., Young, L. Y., Kerkhof, L. J. 2008. Identification of critical members in a sulidogenic benzene-degrading consortium by DNA stable isotope probing. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. p. 6476-6480. doi:10.1128/AEM.01082-08.

Severmann S., Lyons T. W., Anbar A., McManus J., and Gordon G.(2008) Modern iron isotope perspective on Fe shuttling in the Archeanand the redox evolution of ancient oceans. Geology 36, 487-490.

Chichester, K. D., Sebastian, M., Ammerman, J. W., Colyer, C. L. 2008. Enzymatic assay of marine batcerial phosphatases by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection. Electrophoressis 29: 3810-3816.

Gruber, D. F., Kao, H., Janoschka, S., Tsai, J., Peiribone, V. A. 2008. Patterns of fluorescent protein expression in Scleractinian corals. Biological Bulletin 215: 143-154.

Glenn, S. M., Jones, C., Twardowski, M., Bowers, L., Kerfoot, J., Webb, D., Schofield , O. 2008. Studying resuspension processes in the Mid-Atlantic Bight using Webb slocum gliders. Limnology and Oceanography 53(6): 2180-2196.

Chao, Y., Zhijin L., Farrara, J. D., Moline, M. A., Schofield , O ., Majumdar, S. J. 2008. Synergistic applications of autonomous underwater vehicles and regional ocean modeling system in coastal ocean forecasting. Limnology and Oceanography 53(6): 2251-2263.

Powell, E. N., Ashton-Alcox, K. A., Kraeuter, J. N., Ford, S. A., Bushek, D. 2008. Long-term trends in oyster population dynamics in Delaware Bay: Regime shifts and response to disease. Journal of Shelfish Research. 27(4):729-755.

Taylor, J., Bushek, D. 2008. Intertidal oyster reefs can persist and function in a temperate North American Atlantic estuary. Marine Ecology progress Series. 361:301-306. doi: 10.3354/meps07429

Warner, J.C., Sherwood, C.R., Signell, R.P., Harris, C.K. and Arango, H.G., 2008. Development of a three-dimensional, regional, coupled wave, current, and sediment-transport model. Computers and Geosciences, 34: 1284-1306, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2008.02.012

Lipa, B., Nyden, B., Barrick, D. and J. Kohut. 2008. HF Radar Sea-echo from Shallow Water. Sensors 2008, 8, 4611-4635 DOI: 10.3390/s8084611

Hagan, S. M. and K. W. Able. 2008. Diel variation in the pelagic fish assemblage in a temperate estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 31:33-42.

Sackett, D.K., K.W. Able and T.M. Grothues. 2008. Habitat dynamics of summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, within a shallow USA estuary, based on multiple approaches using acoustic telemetry. Marine Ecology Progress Series 364:199-212.

Wuenschel, M. J. and K. W. Able. 2008. Swimming ability of eels (Anguilla rostrata, Conger oceanicus) at estuarine ingress: contrasting patterns of cross-shelf transport? Marine Biology 154:775-786.

Nelson, J. D., Boehme, S. E., Reimers, C. E., Sherrell, R. M., Kerkhof, L. J. 2008. Temporal patterns of microbial community structure in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. FEMs Microbial Ecology. DOI:10.1111/j.1574-6941.2008.00553.

Subramaniam, A., yager, P. L., Carpenter, E. J., Mahaffey, C.,Bjorkman, K., cooley, S., Kustka, A. B., Montoya, J. P.,Sanudo-Wilhelmy, S. A., Shipe, R., Capone, D. G. 2008. Amazon river enhances diazotrophy and carbon sequesteration in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences. 105(30): 10460-10465.

Geyer, W. R., R. Chant, and R. Houghton (2008), Tidal and spring-neap variations in horizontal dispersion in a partially mixed estuary, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C07023, doi:10.1029/2007JC004644.

Rona, P. 2008. The changing vision of marine minerals. Oregeology reviews 33: 618-666.

Mills, K., Kennish, M. J., Moore, K. A. 2008. research andmonitoring componenets of the National Estuarine Reserve System.Journal of Coastal Research. 55: 1-8.

Kennish, M. J., Haag, S. M., Sakowicz, G. P. 2008. Seagrassdemographic and spatial habitat characterization in Little Egg Harbor,New Jersey, using fixed transects. Journal of Coastal Research. 55:148-170.

Haag, S. M., Kennish, M. J., Sakwocz, G. P. 2008. Seagrass habitatcharacterization in estuarine waters of the Jacques Cousteau NationalEstuarine Research Reserve using underwater videographic imagingtechniques. Journal of Coastal Research. 55: 171-179/main/media/downloads

Castelao, R., O. Schofield, S. Glenn, R. Chant, and J. Kohut 2008. Cross-shelf transport of freshwater on the New Jersey shelf, Journal Geophysical Research, 113, C07017, doi:10.1029/2007JC004241.

Mills, H. J., Hunter, E., Humphrys, M., Kerkhof, L., McGuinness, L., Huettel, M., Kostka, J. E. 2008. Characterizationof nitrifying, denitrifying, and overall bacterial communities inpermeable marine sediments of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Applied and Environmental Biology. doi:10.1128/AEM.02692-07 74(14): 4440-4453.

Ramey, P.A. and Bodnar E. 2008. Selection by a deposit feeding polychaete, Polygordius jouinae , for sands with relatively high organic content. Limnology and Oceanography , 53(4): 1512-1520.

Wolheim, W.M., C.J. Vorosmarty, A.F. Bouwman, P. Green,J.A. Harrison, E. Linder, B.J. Peterson, S.P. Seitzinger, and J.P. M.Syvitski (2008) Global N removal by freshwater aquatic systems using a spatially distributed, within-basin approach. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 22: GB2026-GB2040. doi: 10:10.1029/2007GB002963,2008.

Vardi, A., Bidle, K., Kwityn, C., Hirsh, D. J., Thompson, S. M., Callow, J. A., Falkowski, P., Bowler, C. 2008. A diatom gene regulating Nitric-Oxide signaling and susceptibility to diatom-derived aldehydes. Current Biology 18: 1-5 DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2008.05.037

Altieri, K.E., Seitzinger, S.P., Carlton, A.G., Turpin, B.J., Klein, G.C., and Marshall, A.G. 2008. Oligomersformed through in-cloud methylglyoxal reactions: Chemical composition,Properties, and mechanisms investigated by ultra-high resolution FT-ICRMass Spectrometry. Atmospheric Environment, 42 (7), 1476-1490

Seitzinger, S.P. 2008. Nitrogen Cycle: Out of Reach. Nature. 452:(7184):162 doi:10.1038/452162a

Seitzinger, S.P. and E. Mayorga. 2008. Linking Watersheds to Coastal Systems: A Global Perspective on River Inputs of N, P and C. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program Newsletter 1(1):8-11.

Glibert, P.M., R. Azanza, M. Burford, K. Furuya, E.Abal, A. Al-Azri, F. Al-Yamani, P. Andersen, D.M. Anderson, J.Beardall, G.M. Berg, L. Brand, D. Bronk, J. Brookes, J.M. Burkholder,A. Cembella, W.P. Cochlan, J.L. Collier, Y. Collos, R. Diaz, M. Doblin,T. Drennen, S. Dyhrman, Y. Fukuyo, M. Furnas, J. Galloway, E. Graneli,D.V. Ha, G. Hallegraeff, J. Harrison, P.J. Harrison, C.A. Heil, K.Heimann, R. Howarth, C. Jauzein, A.A. Kana, T.M. Kana, J. Kim, R.Kudela, C. Legrand, M. Mallin, M., Mulholland, S. Murray, J.O’Niel, G.Pitcher, Y. Qi, N. Rabalais, R. Raine, S. Seitzinger, P.S. Salomon, C.Solomon, D.K. Stoecker, G. Usup, J. Willson, K. Yin, M. Zhou, and M.Zhu. 2008. Ocean urea fertilization for carbon credits poses high ecological risks. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 56:1049-1056

Falkowski, P. G., Godfrey, L. 2008. Electrons, life and the evolution of Earth’s oxygen cycle. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.doi:10.1098/rstb.2008.0054

Richards, G. P., Watson, M. A., Crane III E. J., Brut, I. G., Bushek, D. 2008. Shewanella and Photobacterium spp. in oysters and seawater from the Delaware Bay. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 74(11): 3323-3327.

Bushek, D., Kornbluh, A., Wang, H., Guo, X., Debrosse, G., Quinlan, J. 2008. Fertlization interference between Crassostrea ariakensis and Crassocstrea virginica: A gamete sink? Journal of Shellfish Research. 27(3): 593-600.

Cahill, B., O . Schofield , R. Chant, J. Wilkin, E. Hunter, S. Glenn, and P. Bissett 2008. Dynamics of turbid buoyant plumes and the feedbacks on near-shore biogeochemistry and physics, Geophysical Research Letters doi:10.1029/2008GL033595

Falkowski, P. G., Fenchel, T., Delong, E. F. 2008. The microbial engines that drive Earth’s biogeochemical cycles. Science 320: 1034-1039

Akob, D. M., Mills, H. J., Thomas, T. M., Kerkhof, L.,Stucki, J. W., Anastacio, A. S., Chin, K., Kusel, K. Palumbi, A. V.,Watson, D B., Kostka, J. E. 2008. Functionaldiversity and electron donor dependence of microbial populationscapable of U(VI) reduction in radionuclide-contaminated subsurfacesediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74: 3159-3170.

Mikkelsen, O.A. T. G. Milligan, P. S. Hill, R. J. Chant, C. F. Jago, S. E. Jones, V. Krivtsov, G. Mitchelson-Jacob, The influence of schlieren on in situ optical 2 measurements used for particle characterization, Limnology and Oceanography Methods, 2008, 6:133-143

Quan, T. M., B. van de Schootbrugge, M. P. Field, Y.Rosenthal, and P.G. Falkowski (2008), Nitrogen isotope and trace metalanalyses from the Mingolsheim core (Germany): Evidence for redoxvariations across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary, Global Biogeochem.Cycles, 22, GB2014, doi:10.1029/2007GB002981.

Lutz, R. A., Shank, T. M., Luther, G., Vetriani, C.,Tolstoy, M., Nuzzio, D. B., Moore, T. S., Waldhauser, F.,crespo-medina, M., Chatziefthimiou, A. D., Annis, E. R., Reed, A. J.2008. Interrelationshipsbetween vent fluid chemistry, temperature, seismic activity, andbiological structure at a mussel-dominated, deep-sea hydrothermal ventalong the East Pacific Rise. Journal of Shellfish Research 27(1): 177-190.

Nees, H. A., Moore, T. S., Mullaugh, K. M., Holyoke, R.R., Janzen, C. P., Ma, S., Metzger, E., Waite, T. J., Yucel, M., Lutz,R. A., Shank, T. M., Vetriani, C., Nuzzio, D. B., Luther, G. W. 2008. Hydrothermal vent mussel habitat chemistry, pre- and post-eruption at 9 (degrees) 50 (minutes) on the East Pacific Rise. Journal of Shellfish Research 27(1): 169-175.

Zengqian, H., Zaw, IK., Rona, P., Yinqing, L., Xiaoming, Q., Shuhe, S., Ligui, P., Jianjun, H. 2008. Geology,fluid inclusions, and oxygen isotope geochemistry of the Baiyinchangpip-style volcanic-hosted massive sulfide Cu deposit in gansu province,northwestern China. Society of Economic Geologists 103: 269-292.

Wang, Y. , X. Guo. 2008. Chromosomal mapping of major ribosomal RNA genes in the dwarf surfclam ( Mulinia lateralis Say ). Journal of Shellfish Research , 27 (2):307-311.

Haidvogel, D. B., H. Arango, W. P. Budgell, B. D. Cornuelle, E.Curchitser, E. Di Lorenzo, K. Fennel, W. R. Geyer, A. J. Hermann, L.Lanerolle, J. Levin, J. C. McWilliams, A. J. Miller, A. M. Moore,T. M.Powell, A. F. Shchepetkin, C. R. Sherwood, R. P. Signell, J. C. Warnerand J. Wilkin, (2008), Regional ocean forecasting in terrain-following coordinates: Model formulation and skill assessment, Journal of Computational Physics, 227, 3595-3624.

Hofmann, E. E., J.-N. Druon, K. Fennel, M. Friedrichs, D. Haidvogel,C. Lee, A. Mannino, C. McClain, R. Najjar, J. Siewert, J. O’Reilly, D.Pollard, M. Previdi, S. Seitzinger, S. Signorini, J. Wilkin, (2008), Eastern U.S. Continental Shelf Carbon Budget: Integrating Models, Data Assimilation, and Analysis. Oceanography, 21, 86-104.

Connolly, J., Knight, C., Oliver, M., Tomanek, L., Beaulieu, J., Moline, M. 2008. Correlated evolution of cell volume and genome size in Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) , Journal of Phycology 44, 124-131

Bellenger, J. P., Wichard, T., Kustka, A. B., Kraepiel, A. M. L. 2008. Uptake of molybdenum and vanadium by a nitrogen-fixing soil bacterium using siderophores. Nature Geoscience 1, 243 – 246

LaVigne, M., M. P. Field, E. Anagnostou, A. G. Grottoli, G. M. Wellington, and R. M. Sherrell (2008). Skeletal P/Ca tracks upwelling in Gulf of Panamá coral: Evidence for a new seawater phosphate proxy, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L05604, 6 March 2008

Ramey, P.2008. Life history of a dominant polychaete, Polygordius jouinae , in inner continental shelf sands of the Mid-Atlantic Bight, USA. Marine Biology .

Dighton, J., Tugay, T., Zhdanova, N. 2008. Fungil and ionizing radiation from radionuclides. FEMS Microbiology Letters. DOI:10.1111/j.1574-6968.2008.01076.x

Wade, B. S., Al-Sabouni, N., Hemleben, C. and Kroon, D. 2008. Symbiont bleaching in fossil planktonic foraminifera. Evolutionary Ecology, 22: 253-265.

Bidle, K.D. and S.J. Bender. Iron starvation and culture age activate metacaspases and programmed cell death in the marine diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana. Eukaryotic Cell 7(2): 223-236

Buskek, D., Landau B., Scarpa, E. 2008. Perkinsus chesapeaki in stout razor clams Tagelus plebeius from Delaware Bay. Diseases of Aqautic Organisms 78: 243-247.

Castelao, R., Glenn, S., Schofield, O., Chant, R. Wilkin, J., Kohut, J. 2008. Seasonal evolution of hydrographic fields in the central Middle Atalnatic Bight from glider observations. Geophysical Research Letters Vol. 35, L03617, doi:10.1029/2007GL032335.

Schofield , O ., Kohut, J., Glenn, S. M. 2008. Evolution of coastal observing networks. Sea Technology. 49: 31-36.

Kim, Y., E.N. Powell, T.L. Wade and B.J. Presley. 2008. Relationshipof parasites and pathologies to contaminant body burden in sentinelbivalves: NOAA Status and Trends ‘Mussel Watch’ Program. Marine Environmental Research 65:101–127.

Altieri, K. E., Seitzinger, S. P., Carlton, A. G., Turpin, B. J., Klein, G. C., Marshall, A. G. 2008. Oligomersformed through in-cloud methylglyoxal reactions: Chemical composition,properties, and mechanisms investigated by ultra-high resolution FT-ICRmass spectrometry. Atmospheric Environment 42; 1476-1490.

Shi, T., Falkowski, P. G. 2008. Genome evolution in cyanobacteria: the stable core and the variable shell. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 105(7): 2510-2515,

Kahl, A., Vardi, A., Schofield , O . 2008. Effect of phytoplankton physiology on export flux. Marine Ecology Progress Series 354: 3-19.

Medeiros, P., Simoneit, B. R. T. 2008. Multi-biomarker characterization of sedimentary organic carbon in small rivers draining the Northwestern United States. Organic Geochemistry 39: 52-74.

Morel, F. M. M., Kustka, A. B., Shaked, Y. 2008. The role of unchelated Fe in the iron nutirtion of phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography. 53(1): 400-404.

Vasslides, J. M. and K. W. Able. 2008. Importance of shoreface sand ridges as habitat for fishes off the northeast coast of the United States. Fishery Bulletin 106: 93-107.

Chant, R. J., S. M. Glenn, E. Hunter, J. Kohut, R. F. Chen, R. W. Houghton, J. Bosch, and O. Schofield 2008. Bulge Formation of a Buoyant River Outflow. Journal Geophysical Research 113, C01017, doi:10.1029/2007JC004100.

Able, K.W., T.M. Grothues, S.M. Hagan, M.E. Kimball, D.M. Nemerson and G.L. Taghon. 2008. Long-term response of fishes and other fauna to restoration of former salt hay farms: multiple measures of restoration success. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 18:65-97.

Nix-Stohr, S., Moshe, R., Dighton, J. 2008. Effectsof propagule density and survival stategies on establishment andgrowth: further investigations in the Phylloplane fungal model system. Microbial Ecology 55: 38-44. doi: 10.1007/s00248-007-9248-8.

Sikes, E. L., Burgess, S. N., Granpre, R., Guilderson, T. P. 2008. Assessing modern deep-water ages in the New Zealand region using deep-water corals. Deep Sea Research 55: 38-49.

Helman, Y., Natale, F., Sherrell, R. M., LaVigne, M., Starovoytov, V., Gorbunov, M. Y., Falkowski, P. G. 2008. Extracellular matrix production and calcium carbonate precipitation by coral cells in vitro. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 105(1): 54-58.