Most students in our different Marine Science tracks are required to complete 6 credits in Experiential Learning (aka Experience Based Education, EBE). Students in the Directed Marine studies track will only need to complete 3 credits. The goal is for you to gain hands-on experiences, rather than just learning from books and lectures. For many future employers and graduate programs this is a high priority, so make sure you make the most of it! Below is an outline of how you can earn those credits.

  1. Topics in Marine Sciences (11:628:2**, 1.5 credits): This course is offered each semester and can be taken multiple times. The course counts towards the EL requirement. It introduces students to current research done in the Marine Sciences department using gliders (underwater drones). Students will be involved in on-going research, such as hurricane observations, whale monitoring off the NJ coast, ocean acidification, Antarctic monitoring, global missions, etc. This course has no pre-requisites and is a great option to take in your 1st or 2nd semester to get to know the department.


  1. Independent Research with our faculty: Students can take Special Problems in Marine Sciences (11:628:497/498) at any stage during their degree – there are no special skills required, just enthusiasm and curiosity! Students who want to sign up for research credits will first need to find a faculty memberin Marine Sciences who can accommodate them in their lab to conduct independent research under their guidance. Once an instructor has been identified, the student needs to complete Part I of the Learning Contract  with their instructor and return it to the Undergraduate Program Director. Once the form is received the student will be issued a Special Permission Number (SPN) that allows them to add the course to their schedule. The number of credits students will receive for this course depends on how many hours per week are agreed with the instructor to spend on the research project. As a rule of thumb, each credit corresponds to three hours per week during the semester, or roughly 120 hours for 3 credits over the whole semester. Note that you can still register for this course after the Rutgers Add/Drop deadline, typically until mid-October (fall semester) or mid-March (spring semester). For independent research conducted over the summer or winter students can sign up for credits in the following fall or spring, or they can register through the SEBS Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN)


  1. External Internships: Instead of working with a faculty member in our department, students can also do an independent research project, a relevant summer job, or an internship at an external institution. Opportunities for such internships are frequently posted under the Opportunities Please email the Undergraduate Program Director for approval before doing an external internship or job to make sure it fulfills the EL requirements.


  1. Coursework: We also have other courses that can be applied to the EL requirements in Marine Sciences, such as Scientific Diving I or Aquaculture. Contact the Undergrad Program Director for more information.


Need advice about how to find jobs and internships in STEM related fields as well as help with resume and cover letter? Rutgers Career Exploration and Success provides career resources, advice, job/internships opportunities, and many workshops and events to help you explore your own career path. Be sure to register your Handshake account and check out their website for workshops and other events!

 For additional assistance and personal attention, you can also schedule an appointment with Ms. Kristen Goodrich, Career Management Specialist in the Office of Academic Programs. Email: