Research Interests
I am broadly interested in studying changes in ocean chemistry and climate on modern to geologic timescales. At convergent continental margins, fluid flow and chemical fluxes can alter the oceanic geochemical budget and, by extension, global climate. My dissertation research uses geochemical analyses on pore waters, authigenic minerals, and paleoceanographic archives in deep-sea sediment cores to study pore fluid origins, migration, and carbon cycling on the Chilean Margin. This work also focuses on the stability of methane hydrate reservoirs in the context of ocean warming and regional tectonism, and seeks to identify biogeochemical links between terrestrial fluid sources and marine systems.
Short History
I was born and raised in New Jersey, where I have developed a deep connection with the ocean. I spent my undergraduate education bouncing between science and policy, ultimately obtaining a B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of Maryland. This led to policy work in Washington, D.C. and a brief stint in law school before deciding to return to the sciences. Prior to graduate school, I participated in an NSF-funded REU at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. When I am not in the lab, I am surfing, skiing, cooking, or hiking—usually, with a camera in hand.
2013, B.S. Environmental Science and Policy, University of Maryland
2023, Ph.D. in Oceanography, Rutgers University