Michael Crowley
Research Staff
Technical Director: RUCOOL & MARACOOS
DMCS | Room 103D

Full CV

Research Interests

Michael is the Technical Director for the Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (RUCOOL) and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS). His RUCOOL work includes: management of operations the entire COOL Lab, ensuring continuous quality data delivery from RUCOOL, and heading up the external communications for the RUCOOL Team including oversight of our website.

Michael is also the Technical Director for the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) MARACOOS. Michael oversees all aspects of data collection within the Mid-Atlantic Bight (Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod). MARACOOS collects data primarily from satellites, HF-RADAR and underwater ocean gliders. Data from all the instrumentation is used to feed and test ocean forecast models, with the ultimate goal being to better enable scientists to forecast both the ocean and atmospheric weather for the greater good of the Mid-Atlantic region. All of the data and much more can be viewed at oceansmap.maracoos.org.

Short History

1991 B.A. Geography, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
1993 M.S. Geography/Oceanography, Rutgers University, New Brunswick New Jersey.