Matheus Fagundes
Postdoctoral Researchers
Posdoctoral Researcher | Physical Oceanography & Ocean Modeling
Short Bio

Hi, I am a first-year Postdoctoral Associate in Physical Oceanography & Ocean Modeling group at Rutgers University under the supervision of Dr. Wilkin at the Rutgers University.

I am going to be working on design, development, and evaluation of a prototype East Coast Community Ocean Forecast System (ECCOFS) that implements data assimilation of real-time observations in a ROMS model of the western North Atlantic Ocean and U.S. coastal and shelf waters.

My previous works range from model development to running mesoscale simulations for the Equatorial Atlantic region, focusing on the Amazon River plume.

I am also interested in the biogeochemical and physical interactions in high-drag environments and climate change scenarios.

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