Hugh Roarty
Research Staff
Director of CODAR
DMCS | Room 111A

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Research Interests

Hugh Roarty is an award winning speaker and recipient of the John P. Breslin Award for outstanding research in ocean engineering. He is currently a Research Project Manager with the Center for Ocean Observing Leadership at Rutgers University. His research interests focus on improving the remote sensing and in situ instrumentation used to measure the physical and biological aspects of the ocean. This instrumentation includes High Frequency (HF) radar systems, autonomous under water vehicles (AUVs), and acoustic velocity meters. He has used HF radar systems for the measurement of ocean surface currents and wave parameters. He has applied these measurements for use in Coast Guard search and rescue exercises, the study of river discharge plumes and prediction of coastal inundation during storm events. He also developed the dual use capability of the HF radar for environmental monitoring and target detection. This work was performed within the National Center for Secure and Resilient Maritime Commerce (CSR). His graduate research focused on coastal processes and bottom boundary layer dynamics.

Short History

2001 Ph.D. Ocean Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
1998 M.S. Ocean Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
1995 B.S. Civil Engineering, Rutgers College of Engineering, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA