Research Interests
The predominant thrust of my research concerns host-parasite interactions in bivalve molluscs. A second focus aims to enhance our understanding of the ecological impact of bivalves, particularly the eastern oyster, at the population, community and ecosystem levels.
Short History
Dr. Bushek began his graduate training at the University of Houston where he developed an interest in marine ecology studying settlement and recruitment dynamics in the intertidal zone. After working a few years as a technician, he entered the doctoral program at Rutgers working on host-parasite interactions in molluscan shellfish. After earning his doctorate in 1994 he spent the next decade at the University of South Carolina as the Baruch Marine Field Laboratory’s Assistant Directory before returning to the Haskin Lab at Rutgers where he currently serves as Director.
Teaching Efforts
Oceanographic Methods & Data Analysis
Selected Topics in Shellfish Ecology and Pathology
Select Publications
Ben-Horin, T., G. Bidegain, L. Huey, D.A. Narvaez, and D. Bushek (2015) Parasite transmission through particle feeding. J. Invert. Path. (in press)
Dungan, C.F. and D. Bushek. 2015. Development and applications of Ray’s fluid thioglycollate media for detection and manipulation of Perkinsus spp. pathogens of marine molluscs. J. Invert. Pathol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2015.05.004.
Bushek, D., S.E. Ford and I. Burt. 2012. Long-term patterns of an estuarine pathogen along a salinity gradient. J Marine Research, 70(2-3):225-251.
Ford, S.E. and D. Bushek. 2012. Development of resistance to an introduced marine pathogen by a native host. J. Marine Research, 70(2-3):205-223.
Ford, S.E., E. Scarpa and D. Bushek. 2012. Spatial and temporal variability of disease refuges in an estuary: implications for the development of resistance. J. Marine Research, 70(2-3):253-277.
Whalen, L., D. Kreeger, D. Bushek and J. Moody. 2012. Strategic Planning for Living Shorelines in the Delaware Estuary. National Wetlands Newsletter, 34(6):14-19.
Taylor, J. and D Bushek. 2008. Intertidal oyster reefs can persist and function in a temperate North American Atlantic estuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 361:301-306.
Dame, R., D. Bushek, D. Allen, A. Lewitus, D. Edwards, E. Koepfler and L. Gregory. 2002. Ecosystem response to bivalve density reduction: management implications. Aquatic Ecology, 36:51-65.
Bushek, D. and S.K. Allen, Jr. 1996. Host-parasite interactions among broadly distributed populations of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica and the protozoan Perkinsus marinus. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 139:127-141.