Studying Marine Science at Rutgers has provided me with more hands-on experience and valuable scientific knowledge than I could have ever imagined. Not only did I meet enthusiastic and passionate students like myself, I was also fortunate enough to meet several professors that inspired me and guided me towards success. Although I transferred to Rutgers during a global pandemic, just one year at the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences allowed me to get my hands dirty and become comfortable working with marine equipment. From collecting water samples on the Raritan bay, to running tests in the lab and analyzing our data, I truly believe Rutgers provided me with the skills necessary to let me excel in this field.
The opportunities available for both undergraduate and graduate students at Rutgers has been consistent and plentiful. The DMCS professors and advisors are quick to inform students of upcoming and future marine science opportunities, which is what led me to continue my education post graduation. This upcoming semester I look forward to returning to Rutgers to pursue my masters in Operational Oceanography, where I will be working with integrated ocean software and data interpretation. I cannot speak ofmy experience at Rutgers highly enough, and encourage anyone interested in attending Rutgers to become a part of the DMCS team.