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Research Interests
The overarching motivation for my research is to document past changes in Earth climate change and understand the mechanisms behind them. As the ocean plays a key role in climate, a full understanding of the complexity of past climate change requires thorough knowledge of variations in ocean hydrography (e.g., seawater temperature, salinity and heat content) and circulation through time. Throughout my career, I have endeavored to develop new geochemical proxies that offer quantitative information of past ocean properties to develop the capability for rigorous paleoceanographic reconstructions in a similar manner to that conducted with modern data.
Short History
I was born and grew up in Israel. In 1985 I graduated from the Hebrew University, majoring in geology and biology and later received a M.Sc. degree in geochemistry. During these years I also led adventure tours to Nepal, Kenya, Iceland and Egypt. In 1988 I moved to the U.S. where I received a Ph.D. degree from the MIT/ WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography in 1994 with Prof. Ed Boyle as my principal advisor. As a post-doctoral fellow I worked the Biosphere II Center in Arizona studying the effects of CO2 fertilization on ecosystem photosynthesis. Since 1997 I have been at Rutgers, The University of New Jersey as a faculty in the of Departments of Marine Sciences and Earth and Planetary Sciences.
Teaching Efforts
Chemical Oceanography (Graduate course)
Paleoceanography (Graduate course)
The Water Planet (Undergraduate course)