Short History
Having been born in a family of Indian Air Force personnel, I spent my entire childhood growing up on Air Force campuses. My father worked in the Meteorology Department, which gave me the privilege to see the functioning of the department. I used to visit his office; the idea of predicting the weather pattern by solving a coupled partial differential equation sparked my interest in learning Fluid Mechanics. But after joining the Indian School of Mines, I got an amazing opportunity to study a bit about earth sciences. It actually gave me the motivation to learn about the earth’s climate. However, my obsession with Fluid dynamics turned my path toward Oceanography. That was the way I could pursue climate science and fluid dynamics simultaneously. We know the ocean has an enormous role on the earth’s climate, and we still don’t know many physical processes governing these changes.
In my day-to-day research life, I spend doing lots of maths and coding. I use numerical modeling to study and model the physics behind the physical processes and am also an enthusiast of high-performance computing, which enables me to model much more refined scales. My undergraduate work was on modeling LES simulation of Polynya convection in the Weddell Sea, investigating the role of double-diffusion on polynya formation.
I will be joining Rutgers University this Fall and working with Professor John Wilkin.