Full CV | Two Page CV | Press Kit
Research Interests
My research interests include the development of new autonomous ocean observing technologies, their application to scientific research in remote and extreme environments, and the demonstration of new educational paradigms. My technology development work focuses on autonomous systems that can be operated remotely as distributed networks to improve the spatial sampling of complex environments. A major scientific focus is extreme events, including storms, hurricanes and typhoons, investigating with observations and numerical models the linkages between the ocean, the atmosphere above, and the seabed below. My educational activities are designed to better prepare students to meet the challenges of a changing environment using modern observatories to explore the global ocean.
Short History
After graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program in 1983 with a Sc.D. in Ocean Engineering, I began an over 30-year research career of implementing sustained real-time ocean observation and forecast systems first for offshore oil exploration at Shell Development Company (1983-1986), then for the Naval Oceanography Command supporting fleet operations while at Harvard University (1986-1990), and, since 1990, for a wide range of scientific and societal applications at Rutgers University. In the only U.S. national program to recognize excellence in undergraduate teaching, I was named one of the U.S. Professors of the Year representing the State of New Jersey by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.
Teaching Efforts
Dynamics of Waves, Currents and Sediment Transport (Oceanography – Grad)
Ocean Observatories Research Course (Marine and Coastal Sciences – Undergrad)
Oceanography House (Marine and Coastal Sciences – Undergrad)
Ocean Methods and Data Analysis (Marine and Coastal Sciences – Undergrad)