Sal Fricano
Graduate Students
Master of Operational Oceanography
Graduate Student

Full CV

Short History:

I have always been fascinated by the paradoxical history of ocean science. Despite being used for centuries to support civilizations across the world, the oceans have largely remained an enigma. As someone who has always chased adventure since childhood, exploring the oceans has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. As an undergraduate at Rutgers, my research endeavors have exposed me to a broad range of topics including hurricane research, larval fish ecology, Antarctic biological circulation, and more. Marine technology is something that I have a profound interest in, and is largely what has led me to return to Rutgers for the Master of Operational Oceanography program where I aim to progress my career goals.

Being a science nerd is something I take great pride in. Beyond my academic interests in oceanography, I am an avid Magic: The Gathering player and also spend much of my time working on custom building computers. Additionally, my love for animals extends from fish to fluffy friends as I do a lot of animal rescue work in my free time.

Research Interests:

Categorically, my research interests are in biological oceanography and ecological modeling. In particular, I aim to contribute towards the development of new methodological approaches for evaluating marine ecosystem responses to anthropogenic stressors through the use of remote sensing technology. Integrating these types of ecological models into common commercial practices can help optimize global sustainability efforts – such as reducing the environmental impact of marine energy solutions (i.e., offshore wind) and providing fishery-dependent communities with accurate stock estimates. Over the course of my career, I also want to focus on the promotion of inclusive and equitable oceanographic data networks in order to help address the many global crises driven by climate change.