I am a Graduate Assistant under Ximing Guo at the Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratories. The research project I am currently assisting with involves assessing what genetic markers are linked to QPX-disease resistance, fitness, and growth in hard clams. This involves following the survivability of these clams from larvae to market size over the course of multiple years.
Short History
Though born with plenty of access to the coastal waters of New Jersey, my appreciation for aquaculture began only in high school. My senior year, I researched, proposed, and constructed an aquaponic system of tilapia and native plant species, which still produces for my high school today. In college, I continued to explore aquaculture by working as a water quality technician at a local zoo, allowing me to work with various species of fish. I have now begun work with shellfish aquaculture in Cape May at the Cape Shore Laboratory. Here, I happily work with various shellfish species such as oysters, scallops, and hard clams.
Present: Masters Student in Oceanography, Rutgers University
2021, B.S., Marine Science / Animal Science, Rutgers University
2019, A.S., Biology, County College of Morris