Research Interests
Mike is a graduate of Rutgers University in 2009 with a BS in Biological Sciences. He has worked full-time as a research analyst in the Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (COOL) since 2009 and has experience on a variety of projects utilizing most of the oceanographic sensors operated by the lab. One of his primary focus over the past eight years has been quality control (QC) and visualization of the data products derived from CODAR SeaSonde High Frequency (HF) radar. He has been maintaining the real-time data processing of HF radar radial data into surface current vectors for the Mid-Atlantic, Antarctic, and Puerto Rico regions. He has also developed a python toolbox that reads in HF Radar files, runs a variety of QC tests, and outputs the data into multiple formats: MySQL, NetCDF, and LLUV format. Additionally, he was also heavily involved in the development of an algorithm that utilizes HF radar data to detect ships beyond the horizon. Over the past four years, Mike has been assessing the quality of mobile and stationary assets for the Endurance Array of NSF funded Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) project nearly full-time.