I am fundamentally interested in the processes that link the biosphere and geosphere. My current research focuses on the diversity and the ecological role of microbes in extreme environments. In my work, I use data from comparative genomic and environmental surveys with computational approaches to understand the influence of different microbial metabolisms on small and large spatial scales. I have conducted several field studies around the world, sampling hot springs spanned in Italy, and Central and South America, drilling permafrost in the Arctic, and diving into the depth of the ocean looking for hydrothermal vents. I have a master’s degree in Marine Biology (2019) at the UNIVPM (Italy) and a Ph.D. (2023) at the University of Naples, Federico II (Italy). During my time at Rutgers, I will be working with Prof. Costantino Vetriani to investigate the role of biofilm associated with deep-sea hydrothermal vents and larvae settlement. Outside of the lab, I enjoy scuba diving, hiking, photography, and cooking.