Short History
My interest in the marine world stemmed from a childhood in the Tidewater region of Virginia and family trips to neighboring North Carolinian beaches. I received my bachelor’s in Marine Science at the University of South Carolina in 2019, and worked on a variety of projects during my tenure there, ranging from sustainable aquaculture, oyster reef restoration, ecological modeling, and bioacoustics.
When I’m not in the office, you can find me tinkering with old computer hardware (and buying obscure repair parts for said computers off eBay), playing board games with friends, ignoring my clean laundry (I hate folding…), or having a nice snooze in bed. I am a strong advocate for public outreach, and love fish! If you would like to discuss these things or anything else, feel free to email me.
Research Interests
Broadly, I am interested in fish and fisheries ecology – how fish operate in their respective ecosystems, and how fisheries impacts their role. I am currently developing a baseline quantification of the contribution of small pelagic fish (SPFs) to marine carbon cycling. My goal is to form the first full, quantitative profile of carbon byproducts, namely fecal pellets and calcium carbonate, for commercially important SPFs on the US Northeast Shelf. By creating these profiles, I can investigate how SPFs have contributed to carbon export over their fished histories. In the future, I want to apply this framework to mesopelagic fish, the last untapped source of protein on our planet, to better understand their contribution to the biological pump before they are commercially exploited.
2020 – Present: Ph.D. Student, Oceanography, Rutgers University
2019: B.S. Marine Science, University of South Carolina