Kayla Cayemitte
Graduate Students
Graduate Program in Oceanography
Graduate Student
Short Bio

My undergraduate education is from Ursinus College where I received a B.S. in Biology with minors in studio art and scientific ethics. My fascination and love of coral science began here, working in a lab where we investigated a combination of anthropogenic stressors on the coral Astrangia poculata. I continued my education over the summer of my junior year at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution where we examined the effects of an invasive encrusting algae on coral larvae settlement. I joined Dr. Prada’s lab as a lab assistant and will be starting my Ph.D. under her advisement. I plan to focus on the effect of anthropogenic stressors on coral reefs in refugia systems. My area of study is Biological Oceanography, Coral Science. My hobbies include cuba diving, photography, hiking, travel, cooking/baking (I am a huge foodie and love to try new foods)