Karl Nordstrom
Emeritus, Faculty
Professor Emeritus

Full CV

Research Interests

My research interests fall into three areas, including (1) developing a climate-change adaptation strategy to allow natural shoreline processes to prevail with rising sea levels by identifying opportunities to remove or mitigate human structures that interfere with landform migration; (2) defining the limiting constraints to aeolian transport across beaches on highly developed shores and identify alternative means of building dunes (bulldozing, sand fencing, artificial plantings or natural accretion) to achieve shore protection and environmental goals; and (3) determining the most effective methods to restore coastal landforms and habitats lost through human development by documenting the functions and values of these landforms, the tradeoffs involved in their restoration, and ways to involve stakeholders.

Short History

A.B., M.S. Ph.D. Rutgers University; military service 1964-1967; Faculty of Rutgers 1975-present. Currently Distinguished Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences