Short Bio:
Although I grew up in Idaho, a landlocked state, my close proximity to many rivers led to my interest in aquatic ecosystems. In high school, my interests in aquatic ecosystems turned into a passion, and I decided early on that marine biology is what I wanted to pursue. I attended the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa to achieve this dream. My interest in microbial marine biology was fueled by a marine ecology class that I took my second year of college. That following summer I was lucky enough to be an intern at Mote Marine laboratory where I researched a mitigation technique of the dinoflagellate that is responsible for causing the Florida Red Tide. I have also worked with marine microbial fungi and most recently zooplankton, specifically how deep sea mining may impact these organisms. I am deeply interested in phytoplankton and how viruses, biogeochemical cycles, and climate change can impact these organisms. In my free time I enjoy being outdoors, especially hiking, going to the beach, and playing tennis.