Jesse Noble
Graduate Students
Master of Operational Oceanography
Graduate Student
I grew up watching Nat Geo Wild with my pop, always in awe of the scientists who got to explore new places and interact with different species. I thought if there was a career for me that was as cool as theirs, I would definitely do it. Several years later, I got my bachelors degree at Rutgers University in marine sciences and a minor in astrobiology so I can explore both the deepest parts of a planet and the edges of our galaxy. During my time at Rutgers, I worked in the geochemical lab identifying foraminifera to be used in paleoclimate mapping. Recently, I have been involved with working on the Sentinel Glider mission, which has piqued my interest in marine technology.
Research Interests:
Broadly, I’m interested in studying survival mechanisms of extremophiles and searching for where life could possibly exist on different moons and planets in our solar system (ie., Europa, Enceladus, Titan).