Research Interests
My research interests are multidisciplinary and manyfold. With the work I am doing with RUCOOL, I am interested in the effectiveness of glider-mounted echosounders as a supplement or even a replacement to conventional vessel-based zooplankton sampling, and anthropogenic impact on the ocean. I am also interested in cetacean communication and conservation, and the impact of noise pollution on ocean ecosystems.
Short History
I have harbored an intense love of and fascination with the ocean for as long as I can remember, fueled mainly by summer camps and trips to the shores of Stone Harbor, NJ. To that end, I attended Stony Brook University on Long Island for my undergraduate years and received bachelor’s degrees in Marine Vertebrate Biology and Applied Math & Statistics. Just prior to graduating, I exchanged emails with Dr. Kim Davies of the University of New Brunswick, and we agreed that her research on a glider-mounted echosounder was the perfect fit for my graduate-level research interests. I received with my MSc in Biology in August of 2022, and am now working full-time for Rutgers University on glider-echosounder evaluation projects.