Becca Horwitz
Graduate Students
Graduate Program in Oceanography
Graduate Student
Short History:
I grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and had the East River estuary system as my backyard. Despite my interest in marine science, I attended Carleton College for my undergraduate education where I pursued a double major in Geology and Environmental Studies. Driven by my Marine Science interest, I participated in NSF-REU at Rutgers in Marine Science between my junior and senior years of college. I also worked for the Rutgers University Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory for 9 months after graduating college where I learned about the surf clam fishery in New Jersey. Long story short, I fell in love with Rutgers and I never left! Outside of work, you can find me rock climbing, sitting in my hammock or training for a triathlon.
Research Interests:
My work at Rutgers thus far has been focused on understanding the potential effects of developing wind energy within the Mid-Atlantic bight on the coastal environment of this region. More specifically, I have been looking at the spatial and temporal variability of an oceanographic feature within the Mid-Atlantic Bight known as the Cold Pool. Going forward, I am excited to dive deeper into the workings of coastal stratification and mixing and in turn the biological implications of these processes.