A joint team—Fiorella Prada, Grace Saba, Chip Haldeman, and Kayla Cayemitte from Rutgers University–New Brunswick (USA) and Tali Mass and Dar Golomb from The Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa (Israel)—is investigating coral reefs along Costa Rica’s North Pacific coast

A joint team—Fiorella Prada, Grace Saba, Chip Haldeman, and Kayla Cayemitte from Rutgers University–New Brunswick (USA) and Tali Mass and Dar Golomb from The Leon H. Charney School of Marine…

Continue ReadingA joint team—Fiorella Prada, Grace Saba, Chip Haldeman, and Kayla Cayemitte from Rutgers University–New Brunswick (USA) and Tali Mass and Dar Golomb from The Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa (Israel)—is investigating coral reefs along Costa Rica’s North Pacific coast

Sam Alaimo

I grew up on Long Island but spent most of my summers exploring the lakes and streams in Pennsylvania. I’m an avid fisher and have always been curious about what…

Continue ReadingSam Alaimo

Dr. Josh Kohut, Professor in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, has accepted the position of SEBS Dean of Research / NJAES Director of Research

Dr. Josh Kohut, Professor in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, has accepted the position of SEBS Dean of Research / NJAES Director of Research. Josh came to Rutgers…

Continue ReadingDr. Josh Kohut, Professor in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, has accepted the position of SEBS Dean of Research / NJAES Director of Research