Reporting Incidents of Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment
- Rutgers University reporting form for incidents of bias: Complaint Form
- Anonymous reporting option:
- The DMCS DEI committee is committed to addressing the effects of comments, actions, or behaviors in our department that are perceived as biased. While the DEI committee cannot investigate or referee any reports, it is our goal to connect anyone who experiences or witnesses bias with avenues of support. The report form (below) is an avenue for reporting incidents of bias, discrimination, and harassment with the option to report anonymously. Any report submitted to this system will be sent to the DEI committee. While anonymous reports cannot be responded to, they will help in gauging and addressing department climate. If you would like a follow-up from the DEI committee, please include contact information in your submission. Form below.
- This form is not for emergency reporting purposes. In case of emergency, contact your local emergency service providers.
- Rutgers University policies:
- Policy against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence: University Policy 60.1.12
- Code of Student Conduct: University Code of Student Conduct (2020)
- Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action: University Policy 60.1.8
- Religious Accommodations: Religious Accommodations
- Bias Prevention: Bias Prevention – Division of Student Affairs
- Additional Resources:
- Avenue for graduate students or faculty who are unable to resolve problems using the pathways provided by their department or other Rutgers office: Rutgers SGS Problem Resolution
- Title IX online complaint filing for discrimination based on sex: Title IX online form
- Student counseling services: Counseling Services
- Compiled list of Rutgers student services, including but not limited to health and wellness, bias prevention and reporting, student organizations, and legal services: For Students – Division of Student Affairs
- Self-care resources for students, faculty, staff, and community members: Resources for Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community Members – Division of Student Affairs
- Reporting system for concerns about bias, sexual misconduct, student conduct, student well-being, or mental health: Concerned? DO SOMETHING