Ben Borer

Benedict (Ben) BorerAssistant Professor
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences

As a microbial biogeochemist, I am interested in how microorganisms control planetary biogeochemistry and modulate the impact of anthropogenic pollution. Research in the lab focuses on how microbes interact with each other and their environment, shape their localized biogeochemistry, and collectively impact biogeochemical cycles across scales in the Earth system. We combine computational (bioinformatics, computational fluid dynamics, individual-based modeling), wet lab (microfluidics, imaging, flow cytometry, analytical chemistry), and field-going approaches to gain a holistic and mechanism-based understanding of microbial

When not in the lab, I enjoy food and (fortunately) cooking – especially dishes from different
cultures. Camping in the woods and hiking are among my weekend favorites, as are skiing in
winter and running in summer (yes, I dislike running in the cold)

Furry Research Assistants

Bindi, a golden retriever mix, is lab mascot one and chief goofball. She loves to sit in any puddle (muddy is better), chew on branches in the garden, and sleep for at least 10 h during the day!

Bruce is a big-boned (the rest is fluffy fur, ok?) tabi cat. While primarily interested in procuring food, sneaking food, and giving concerts for food, he is also a primary snuggler. He loves nothing more than a lazy afternoon (and evening + morning) on the couch!