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Congratulations to Yair Rosenthal on his 2020 Research Excellence Award

Yair Rosenthal is a globally recognized leader focused on exploring and studying the composition/structure of Earth’s ocean basins. His overarching research has documented past changes in Earth climate change helping us to understand the mechanisms that underlie the observed changes. He has been a leader in understanding the importance of the ocean in regulating climate, which is now informing society about our impending future on a warming planet. Yair has developed quantitative geochemical proxies providing information of past ocean properties allowing rigorous testing of our understanding of crucial Earth process. He has over 140 publications, many in the highest profile journals including Science, Nature, and Nature Geoscience. Yair has over 10,000 citations and an h-index of 58. He has been named a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), an honor bestowed on only 0.1% of the members of AGU.

Original Awards Announcement