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Congratulations to Huapei Wang and Tali Babila who were awarded a distinguished Schlanger Fellowship by the Consortium of Ocean Leadership’s US Science Support Program

Congratulations to Huapei Wang and Tali Babila who were awarded a distinguished Schlanger Fellowship by the Consortium of Ocean Leadership’s US Science Support Program.

Wang proposes to determine the amount of inclination flattening and the paleolatitude of Sites 1218 and 1219 by analyzing the distributions of observed inclinations. This will be tested using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and anhysteretic remanent magnetization on about 50 samples and also compared with the Elongation/Inclination prediction method. The new paleolatitude will be used in the Pacific APWP and to assess motion of the Hawaiian hotspot relative to the spin axis. The review panel found the proposal original and innovative.”

Tali was funded to work on Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum sections in NJ onshore coreholes.  With luck, we will recore Wilson Lake this summer for additional samples.  We will be looking for grad students to help with the drilling (serving as drillers helpers, core describers, etc.).
Tali’s advisor is Yair Rosenthal and her committee includes Jim Wright, Harry Elderfield (Cambridge), and me. She is also working with Marie-Pierre Aubry, Dick Olsson, and Bill Berggren, our experts on the PETM and foraminifera in Earth and Planetary Sciences. She truly straddles both the Graduate Program in Oceanography and the Graduate Program in Geological Sciences.

The award is names for Rutgers alumnus Seymour Schlanger.  Sey was an undergraduate at Rutgers in the late 40’s and passed away in 1990.

“The Schlanger Ocean Drilling Graduate Fellowship Program, named for the late Seymour chlanger, a scientist from Rutgers University and former Chairman of the U.S. Science Advisory ommittee, is arguably one of the most visible and successful elements of the U.S. Science Support program. Individuals supported under this program have gone on to leadership positions within ODP and IODP, such as Chair of the U.S. Science Advisory Committee, Co-Chief Scientist, SAS panel member, or USSSP Distinguished Lecturers”

Thus, of the 5 awards made to Rutgers since the inception of this program, two are this year!
Past Rutgers winners include Sindia Sosdian (GPO) and Ben Cramer (GPGS).

Congratulations Tali and Wang!!!