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2010 Graham Macmillan Award Goes to Dr. Michael J. Kennish for Contributions to Marine Science and Conservation


The American Littoral Society has recognized Dr. Michael J. Kennish for his outstanding contributions to marine science by bestowing on him the 2010 Graham Macmillan Award, which is awarded annually to an individual or group for exceptional contributions to marine conservation and science. Dr. Kennish is a research professor at the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University. The award was announced at the Society′s 49th annual meeting in Montauk, New York, on October 23.

The award was established in the 1970s in honor of Graham Macmillan, who founded the American Littoral Society′s nationally recognized volunteer, fish-tagging program in 1965 as a way to engage recreational fishermen in citizen science needed to advance coastal conservation. Award recipients are nominated and selected by the American Littoral Society′s Board of Trustees.

When he made the award announcement at the Society′s Annual Meeting on October 23, Executive Director Tim Dillingham said, “Dr. Kennish′s work on estuarine and coastal ocean ecosystems, eutrophication and water quality issues and the development of new tools to inform and support effective coastal resource management is nationally recognized. His research and studies have made a significant contribution to the effort to conserve and sustain these irreplaceable resources.” He continued, “Mike′s contribution, however, reaches beyond the realm of pure research. He has shown outstanding leadership, courage and unparalleled passion in bringing the threats and challenges facing the coast to the attention of decision makers and the public. His work has provided vital scientific understanding of these issues and given voice to our shared desire to see these ecosystems remain healthy and vibrant.”

When he learned of the award, Dr. Kennish said, “I want to thank the American Littoral Society′s Board of Trustees and Tim Dillingham, the Society′s Executive Director, for this honor. The Society is a stellar environmental organization which has done great work in New Jersey and other coastal states in the country. The Graham Macmillan Award places into clear focus the importance of merging sound science with the maintenance of environmental quality, especially with respect to our critical estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems. I also want to thank Rutgers University for forming the solid foundation of my entire career in marine science.”

About the American Littoral Society

The American Littoral Society is a non-profit, membership-based, coastal conservation group headquartered on Sandy Hook, in Highlands, New Jersey. Since 1961, it has promoted the study and conservation of coastal marine life, defended the coast from harm and empowered others to do the same through advocacy, education, and conservation. The name, Littoral, means of or near a shore or coastal region.

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