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Remembering Susan E. Ford

The Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory lost a beloved faculty member, researcher, mentor, colleague and friend on December 5, 2017 when Susan E. Ford lost a valiant battle with pancreatic cancer. Susan began her professional career working as a lab technician under Harold (Doc) Haskin in 1966. She left the lab in 1978, returning several years later with a doctorate in hand. She joined the faculty and was tenured in 1990. She “retired” in 2002, but retained her office at the lab as Emeritus Professor until 2014 and continued working with faculty, staff and students until her death.

Susan left an indelible mark on many at the Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory, at Rutgers and beyond. She was a leading shellfish pathologist, garnering recognition from colleagues, regulators and industry leaders around the world. Her steadfast commitment to excellence in science, with a pleasant touch of camaraderie, guided and benefited many. In 2012, the National Shellfisheries Association made her an Honored Life Member and detailed her career in an article in the Journal of Shellfish Research. She leaves behind a legacy of professional accomplishments that will serve the field for decades to come. For those who had the opportunity to know her, it is her friendship, guidance and mentoring that will be missed most.

Susan was a strong supporter of students and their development into critical thinkers, whether or not they continued to pursue careers in shellfish pathology or even in science. If you wish to honor that legacy, please consider a donation to the Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory Student Support Fund. After clicking the link, and entering an amount, please be sure to specify “Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory Student Support Fund”. Expand the last section to name a tribute “In memory” of “Susan Ford” (no need to enter the notification information – Susan Ford donations will trigger notice to her family).

If you wish to donate by check, please make it payable to the “Rutgers University Foundation” and send it to the following address:

Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory
6959 Miller Avenue
Port Norris, NJ 08349
ATTN: David Bushek

Susan’s family will be notified that you made a donation in her memory.

Article Credit:

Additional Reference: In Memoriam Susan E. Ford 1942–2017