Congratulations to Javier Zavala-Garay! Dr. Zavala-Garay has been been appointed as a tenure track Assistant Professor. He is a physical oceanographer who over the last decade has working as a Research Assistant Professor at Rutgers. Since 2006 Dr. Zavala-Garay has been a full-time Research Professor (Non-Tenure-Track) in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences (DMCS) Ocean Modeling Group (OMG). Throughout this period, he has been fully supported on external grants from NASA, NOAA, NSF and ONR (Office of Naval Research). He is particularly interested in understanding why the atmosphere and ocean are at times more predictable than others. These insights inform more skillful forecasts and quantify their uncertainty. Motivated by experience working in coastal regions highly impacted by climate change such as Tanzania and Vietnam, Javier’s interests include using regional models to downscale climate change projections. His many projects have contributed to developments in the variational calculus tools of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) open-source code managed by OMG for the benefit of a global ocean modeling community numbering in the thousands. Dr. Zavala-Garay is a great addition to the Department and will look forward collaborating with Javier.