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April 2018 Promotions

April is promotion month for faculty at Rutgers and we are proud of Daphne Munroe, Malin Pinksy, and David Bushek all of whom received promotions this year.

Daphne Munroe (left) was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. She arrived at Rutgers from Vancouver Island University in 2010. She has distinguished herself as a critical member of the Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory with her research focused on understanding the processes and mechanisms that underlie how fisheries adapt to change. This is an especially important research focus given the accelerating change observed in marine systems locally and globally. Daphne has also focused on developing sustainable shellfish aquaculture. This is a challenge in regions that need to balance interactions between aquaculture systems and natural environments, to ensure that detrimental impacts on the environment remain low. Congratulations!

Congratulations to Malin Pinsky (center) who was promoted and received tenure. His research is focused on global change ecology and evolution in the ocean. His work is filling a critical void in understanding how human activities are (or are not) transforming the ocean, the key processes involved, and the actions that could make a difference. His laboratory is integrating tools from statistical ecology, population genomics, and mathematical modeling. Malin’s research aims to understand the consequences of these differences for global change in the ocean and land as well as the implications for developing more sustainable ocean uses.

Congratulations to David Bushek (right) who has been promoted to Full Professor. Since 2011, David has been the Director of the Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory. His major focus is tracking the long-term trends in Delaware Bay and using the data to gain insight into relationships and mechanisms that structure marine ecosystems. David is a leader in monitoring disease and mortality of oysters in Delaware Bay. What is particularly commendable is there is no boundary between basic and applied research for David. Congratulations to David!