You are currently viewing Dual Glider Deployments for our Grad and Undergrad Crew

Dual Glider Deployments for our Grad and Undergrad Crew

Last week our glider guru Nicole Waite was out with our grad students Ted and Ailey, and our Rutgers RIOS undergrads Becca and Jocelyn on a dual glider deployment off of Tuckerton NJ. Capt. Chip Haldeman took the crew out on the R/V/ Arabella to deploy gliders MARACOOS02 and RU30. MARACOOS02 will be focusing on studying the effects on the ocean from passing tropical storms this summer (funded through MARACOOS) and RU30 will be studying pH trends off NJ (funded by NOAA). Of course, both gliders will gather plenty of info on temperature, oxygen, currents, water visibility etc, all of which is available for viewing on our RUCOOL glider pages.