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Ken Able to receive the prestigious Nancy Foster Habitat Conservation Award

A marine biologist from Electra, Texas, Dr. Nancy Foster dedicated 23 years of outstanding service to NOAA, leaving a remarkable imprint on the agency. After earning a masters in marine biology from Texas Christian University and a doctorate in marine biology from George Washington University, Dr. Foster began her tenure at NOAA in 1977. In 1986 she joined NOAA Fisheries and under her direction, NOAA created the Office of Habitat Conservation, the NOAA Restoration Center, and the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office. Dr. Foster served as acting assistant administrator and then deputy assistant administrator of NOAA Fisheries before leaving to become assistant administrator of the NOAA Ocean Service in 1997.

Dr. Able is a Distinguished Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University in New Jersey, and director of Rutgers University Marine Field Station.

He has dedicated 37 years to research and teaching the science of biology, ecology, and restoration of fishery habitat resources. Dr. Able is recognized nationally and internationally as an expert on fish habitat, striving to better understand fishery survival in a changed environment and to help improve management of fishery resources.