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Ben Horton recipient of 2014 AGU Ocean Sciences Voyager Award

The Ocean Sciences Voyager Award is given in even-numbered years to mid-career scientist (8 to 20 years post-degree) in recognition of significant contributions and expanding leadership in ocean sciences. Significant contributions may include, but are not limited to: the awardee’s research impact, innovative interdisciplinary work, educational accomplishments (mentoring), societal impact, or other relevant contributions, and to acknowledge that the awardee shows exceptional promise for continued leadership in ocean sciences.

Dr. Ben Horton is the recipient of the 2014 AGU Ocean Sciences Voyager Award. Ben’s research focuses on the mechanisms and nature of past sea-level changes, including those associated with earthquakes, tsunamis, and storms, to understand how these processes will impact future coastal environments. Ben has rapidly distinguished himself as a leader both within and beyond his discipline.

“Certainly, the impact and quality of Ben’s publication record alone qualifies him for the Voyager Award. Beyond the high quality and sheer number of his scholarly contributions, Ben exemplifies many additional qualities that speak to his promise for continued leadership in ocean sciences, including his talent as an educator—both within academia and beyond—and as a leader in interdisciplinary science teams” Professor Andrea Dutton said in her citation for the award.

“This award recognizes the students, colleagues and mentors who have always been supportive of me, both professionally and personally, throughout my career. But I would not have received this award if I had not had the support of my family who remind me every day of what matters in life” Ben said.