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Recent research awards to DMCS scientists

Liz Sikes received a three-year grant from NSF-OCE as co-PI with Kat Allen from University of Maine ($105,000 to Rutgers).
Title: “Pacific Ocean stratification since the last ice age: New constraints from benthic foraminifera

Tina Dura is the lead PI with Ben Horton as co-PI on a collaborative three-year grant with Central Washington University ($258,000 to Rutgers). The grant will support postdocs and field travel.
Title: “Quantifying Megathrust Earthquake Ruptures with Coastal Stratigraphy and Tsunami Simulations, South-Central Chile

Tina Dura is also the happy recipient of a two-year NSF Earth Science Postdoctoral Fellowship (award amount $174,000). The fellowship will investigate “Spatial And Temporal Variability Of Co-seismic Subsidence Along The Cascadia Subduction Zone”. Congratulations to Tina, but unfortunately for us that means she’ll be leaving us soon…

Yair Rosenthal received a three-year grant from NSF-BSF as lead PI with Jonathan Erez from the Hebrew University ($387,500 to Rutgers).
Title: “Foraminiferal Na/Ca: a new proxy for reconstructing Cenozoic seawater composition

Yair Rosenthal is also the Co-chief Scientists together with Anne Holborn from Kiel University (Germany) on IODP Expedition 363 to investigate the Western Pacific Warm Pool. Yair and new Rutgers postdoc Samantha Bova have received funding from NSF-IODP ($259,297 and $21,752, respectively) to support the paleoceanographic research resulting from this expedition.

Adam Kustka received a three year grant from NSF IOS as lead PI with Co-PI’s Mark Hildebrand at Scripps and Lewis Brown at Columbia ($280,000 to Rutgers).
Title: “Collaborative Research: An integrated approach towards understanding iron uptake in marine eukaryotic phytoplankton“.

Hugh Roarty and Chip Haldeman have been funded for two years by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to analyze potential interference of the CODAR signal from offshore wind turbines. The grant ($20,000) will also provide support for an undergraduate student.

Mike Kennish is a co-PI on a three-year NOAA grant. The project is lead by Rick Lathrop, who has only recently joined the Rutgers Department of Ecology, Evolution & Natural Resources (total amount awarded to Rutgers is $742,900).
Title: “The Interconnectedness of Climate Change, Nuisance Mosquito Populations, and Long-term Resilience of Coastal Marsh Systems.”

Robert Kopp is the lead PI on a five-year grant from NSF-DGE with four co-PIs from Rutgers University (total amount to Rutgers is $3,000,000).
Title: “NSF Research Traineeship: Coastal Climate Risk and Resilience (C2R2)

Ben Horton is the lead PI on a three-year grant from NSF-EAR with Carrie Ferraro as co-PI to lead he outreach effort ($98,000 to Rutgers). The grant will support postdocs and field travel.
Title: “Paleoseismic Evidence of Earthquakes and Tsunamis along the Southern Part of the Japan Trench

Ben Horton has also been the recipient of a donation from the Community Foundation of New Jersey. The donation ($100,000) will be used to Investigate Changing Flood Risks for the U.S. Atlantic Coast and will support a graduate student for two years.

Grace Saba is the lead PI on a three-year grant from NSF-OTIC with co-PIs Travis Miles (Rutgers), Clayton Jones (Teledyne Webb), and Andrew Barnard (WETLabs). The grant is in collaboration with Wei-Jun Cai from University of Delaware and will support a graduate student and two undergrads ($883,000 to Rutgers).
Title: “Developing a profiling glider pH sensor for high resolution coastal ocean acidification monitoring.”

Grace Saba is the lead PI on a one-year grant from the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program ($5,000 to Rutgers). The grant will be used in support of ongoing efforts to Develop the Mid-Atlantic Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Acidification Network.

Grace Saba and Josh Kohut are co-PIs on a two-year grant from the NOAA NOS Regional Coastal Resilience Program ($103,000 to Rutgers). The project is in collaboration with Laura McKay from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Council (MARCO).
Title: “Mid-Atlantic Regional Resilience: Linking Coastal Ocean Information to Enhance Economic, Social and Ecological Resilience.”

Paul Falkowski received a three –year grant from NASA as lead PI with Nathan Yee, Vikas Nanda, and Piotr Piotrowiak of Rutgers ($140,517 for the first year to Rutgers).
Title: “The Chemical Transformation of Minerals by Light and the Evolution of Prebiotic Metabolism”

Paul Falkowski received a two –year NSF EAGER grant as lead PI with Orly Levitan, Rong DI, Michael Lawton, and Debashish Bhattacharya of Rutgers ($298,400 to Rutgers).
Title: “Elucidating Retrograde Signal Transduction Processes in a Marine Diatom”