All Notes (20)
Lithium pack: pH
Cell Serial Volts Charge_AH Capacity_AH Percent_Charge Percent_Mean_Capacity
____ ______ ______ _________ ___________ ______________ _____________________
1 501 14.128 2.653 9.89 27 99
2 530 14.129 2.666 9.923 27 99
3 545 14.128 2.652 9.868 27 99
4 553 14.126 2.69 9.901 27 99
5 556 14.131 2.687 9.915 27 99
6 574 14.122 2.822 10.146 28 102
7 581 14.124 2.672 10.03 27 100
8 585 14.124 2.676 9.798 27 98
9 599 14.123 2.631 9.903 27 99
10 602 14.123 2.825 10.116 28 101
11 605 14.123 2.817 10.218 28 102
12 611 14.122 2.643 9.887 27 99
13 614 14.121 2.607 9.867 26 99
14 616 14.128 2.626 9.927 26 99
15 625 14.124 2.79 10.06 28 101
16 628 14.123 2.653 9.895 27 99
17 637 14.12 2.648 9.92 27 99
18 640 14.126 2.856 10.027 28 100
19 641 14.123 2.695 10.008 27 100
20 642 14.124 2.648 9.979 27 100
21 643 14.124 2.869 10.229 28 102
22 654 14.124 2.834 10.154 28 102
23 655 14.123 2.848 10.136 28 101
Mean battery charge level: 2.7177 / 9.9912
Total charge level (all battery charges summed): 62.508 / 229.797
167 AH used by batteries, 154 by glider. Glider under-reported by about 7.8%
Recovered by Nicole, Ailey, Ted, Chip on Arabella out of Tuckerton, NJ.
2 rosette casts and water samples done prior to glider recovery. Comparison CTD cast done using rosette CTD, SB19 s/n 1383 and ballast tank laptop.
2nd rosette cast:
Mission end: grun_mission() 200_N.MI ru30-2021-146-6-0 (0400.0000)
Reminder this CTD has noisy pressure sensor still.
'ru30-2021-146-5-0-nbd(03990000)' was first rosette comparison cast, downloaded NBD
Still some intermittent CTD pump issues. The pump has been resuming working on it's own (i.e. without a pilot cycling the pump via pumpfast pumpslow commands).
Science computer not acting well, not sure why. pH proglet needs some help?
Science went out service at the end of the previous surfacing. Came up this last surfacing and aborted for beh because of it. Science reached its limit of OS and wouldn't go back in service so upped limit to 10 and higher to attitude_rev
Resequenced and turned pH off at surface (sample MA).
Emailed TWR about science crashing during zr, should follow up post-recovery to get this issue fixed.
Came back on shelf, increased altimeter range and depth off bottom to prevent shelf collision. Waiting out currents on shelf.
Changed to SBDmin catered to 100 m yo's.
CTD pump stopped working again 2nd half of last night.
Tried pumpslow, pumpfast, pumpoff cycles again. Next segment data looks like the pump is working again.
Maybe getting clogged or something stuck in it? Turning CTD off at the surface -- state_to_sample 7
CTD pump Started working again. Only didn't work for maybe 1/2 a day, 5/6 pm to midday Friday.
Switched to every other yo TBD for more data and 2 hour missions.
pumpfast, pumpslow, pumpoff a few times on ctd to try to clear any potential clogs that may be causing the ctd pump issues.
Pump appears to be getting worse. Quick look at history showed other unit 9417 had this issue?
There was a cast recently (last segment?) that looked like pump wasn't working.
u_reqd_depth_at_surface 1.85
Slowed glider down 200/-200 @ .4 rad pitch (since deployment). Slowing to keep pH and oxygen profiles more settle time. 3 hour missions from 2 hour.
ru30-2021-122-1-0 (0380.0000) initial shallow mission
ru30-2021-122-2-0 (0381.0000) - water sample 1 mission (single yo's)
ru30-2021-122-3-0 (0382.0000) - water sample 2 mission (single yo's).
Boat took 2 water samples, not sure how they were timed with the 2 missions.
STILL NEED TO GET NBD from some of those segments.
Lightly bottom sampled during deployment, could be altitude_rate.
Altimeter readings were about ~2.25 m shallow based on pressure and boat depth finder of 17 m. Looked into this deeper and found scale factor for speed of sound would not fix it. Only an offset would properly do so. mara_02 deployed same time, similar offset of 2 m. Same with ru34 early 2021 mission offset of 2.5 m. Not sure why this is. Altimeter hits are constant level as glider dives meaning speed of sound is fairly close and its consistent and accurate, just offset. Wonder if it has something to do with the voltage divider circuit or A2D.
Altimeter filter turned off and m_altitude_rate set to -1
u_reqd_depth_at_surface 2.75
u_hd_fin_ap_dgain = 5
OS 8.5
CTD SN#9416P cal'd: 2020-02-12
pH SN#10344 cal'd: 2020-03-06
FLBBCD SN#4662 2017-02-23
Optode4831 SN#242 cal'd: 2019-09-25 In house check: 3/25/2021
Deployed by Nicole Waite and Chip Haldeman aboard the R/V Rutgers out of Tuckerton, NJ
Deployed with MARACOOS_02. Comparison CTD cast done with SB19 s/n 1581 and ballast tank laptop.
Surface and near-bottom water samples collected with Niskan bottle.