All Projects (89)

Project AcronymProject Title
AOPEXNone Provided
ASAPNone Provided
ASPIRENone Provided
BALTOPSNone Provided
BIOSNone Provided
BIOS-SCOPEBIOS-SCOPE is a multi-institutional program, funded by the Simons Foundation to investigate microbial processes in the central Sargasso Sea: https: // It is a sister program to SCOPE at U of Hawaii which has the same mission in the Pacific.
CalValNone Provided
CaRANone Provided
CAREERCAREER: The transformation, cross-shore export, and along-shore transport of freshwater on Antarctic shelves
CBLASTNone Provided
ChallengerNone Provided
CHAOSNOAA GOMO Integrated Field Campaign Coordinated Hurricane Atmosphere Ocean Sampling
CINARNone Provided
Cod MonitoringCod Spawning Monitoring (multiple companies/lease areas)
CONCORDENone Provided
CONVERGENone Provided
CWBCSNone Provided
EAGERNone Provided
ECO-PAMEcosystem and Passive Acoustic Monitoring
EcoHABNone Provided
EDDIESNone Provided
elineNone Provided
EPANone Provided
ESPreSSONone Provided
Geolocation ValidationMiniPAT Geolocation Validation
Glider Onboard ProcessingOnboard glider processing from an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
GLOBECNone Provided
GoM WhalesGulf of Maine Whale Glider Monitoring
GP2013None Provided
GP2014None Provided
GP2015None Provided
hbNone Provided
Hurricane GlidersSustained Underwater Glider Observations for Improving Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast
ICOOLNone Provided
ICOOL-AtlanticInternational Coastal Ocean Observing Leadership Atlantic Leg
InvenergyInvenergy LLW Oceanographic and NARW Monitoring
IOOSNone Provided
KIOSTKorea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
KOPRINone Provided
LaTTENone Provided
LaTTE-elineJoint LaTTE and Endurance Line
LBCONone Provided
LTERNone Provided
MAGICMid-Atlantic Glider Initiative and Collaboration
MARACOOSNone Provided
MARCOOSNone Provided
MARESNone Provided
MBARI-TWRCNone Provided
MEPTAGAutonomous Measurements of Particles Size Using Gliders
midshelfNone Provided
MIREMNone Provided
MOO Endurance LineMasters of Operational Oceanography Endurance Line
MTRNone Provided
MURINone Provided
NESMAOffice of Naval Research – Task Force Ocean: New England Seamount Acoustics Experiment
NJDEPNone Provided
NOAA OAPNOAA Ocean Acidification Program / IOOS
NOAA OAP/AOOSNone Provided
NORUSNone Provided
NYDECNew York Department of Environmental Conversation
NYSERDA GLIDENYSERDA Acoustic and oceanographic surveys to support offshore wind energy development - Glider based ecological and oceanographic surveys of the New York Bight (GLIDE)
OOINone Provided
OSSENone Provided
OTIC-pHOcean Technology and Interdisciplinary Coordination - Ocean Acidification
OTIC-pH/Hurricane GlidersOcean Technology and Interdisciplinary Coordination - Ocean Acidification & Sustained Underwater Glider Observations for Improving Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast
PASSENGERSThe Predictions of AcousticS with Smart Experimental Networks of GlidERS
perthNone Provided
PWSPNone Provided
REMMAR-SPNone Provided
RIMPACNone Provided
RMIRMI Eco-gliders
rossNone Provided
ROWLRSRutgers Offshore Wind Living Resource Studies
SBCNone Provided
SHAREM151None Provided
SITMA/ULPGCNone Provided
Sustained Underwater Glider Observations for Improving Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Intensity ForecastSustained Underwater Glider Observations for Improving Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast - AOML/OAR
SW06None Provided
SWOTNASA Surface Water and Ocean Topography
Thermal TrialNone Provided
TWRC-RUNone Provided
TWRC-RU-JPL-UVIdelete this project
UGOSUnderstanding the Gulf Ocean Systems
ULPGCNone Provided
USPUniversity of Sao Paolo
White Shark CafeWhite Shark Cafe
WSCWhite Shark Cafe