All Notes (34)
Only deployment ru31-473 CONCORDE 2016-03-22
15:03 GMT
Deployed with OSU GusT prototype.
Recovered by the Pt Sur!
Fighting waypoint, trying 35 deg dives (trouble steering during dives)
CC off, wpt inshore
Back to +150 cc, plume is gone?
u_heading_deadband -1
u_hd_fin_ap_dgain 4
(see if we can help the steering out a bit)
4 hour missions to try to hold location
Back to 4m off surface
Added DIAG_LEVEL: 2 to ad2cp.ini
Confirmed ad2cp.cfg
SciDos>type ad2cp.cfg
# ad2cp_modified.cfg
# verbatim commands sent to Nortek AD2CP on initialization
# The customer should edit this file with their specific configuration
# or configure the device externally and comment out these commands.
# 2015-05-20 Initial
# NOTE: Ensure that the AD2CP is configured for BAUD=19200 prior to glider installation: "SETINST,BR=19200"
Increased pump -400/+250
Wpt due east (offshore)
Top inflection 5 m (its stalling out)
Should buy us until morning.
ZOP seemed to fix the pressure sensor for the time being. Still acting a bit strange however.
Pressure sensor issue lingers after file hiatus. m_pressure showing 2 m shallower than sci_water_pressure.
Will ZOP again if it continues we should get dianostic segment, maybe bottom sample segment too to ground truth.
Some pressure sensor drift seen at surface, not sure if iridium related or not. May need diagnostic segment.
Backed off u_reqd_depth_at_surface from 2.5 to 3.5 just in case
32 deg dives, 22 climbs
-400/100 cc climb (50 more top cc, some low D waters)
CC turned back on
Looked into AD2 files:
3 hour missions had sporadic file sizes - could all be there just broken apart into smaller chunks
1 hour missions - ran today 1/28 - had normal sized files, although large
SEE: ru31_network_20160128T140230.log for 1/28 and prior ad2 file listing
AD2 GPS time out error at 80 seconds even though GPS received at 61 seconds. Noticed it during a 3 hour mission NLG: ru31-2016-014-1-206
2 hour missions resumed since they had more reliable AD2 file sizes.
Heading inshore again to avoid eastward advection
N 29 33.064
W 88 50.600
Trying onshore run for any hope of favorable currents.
-400,+100 cc
getting a little light on surface
3 hour missions overnight
30 deg dives
22 deg climbs
3 m off surface
!!!! CC turned on !!!!
Heading south
-400, 50 cc 4.5 off surface, climbing too fast.
State 15 sampling all sensors (surface)
TBD changed to surface for all sensors
zeroed ocean pressure
4 off bottom (from 4.5), likely can decrease further as well
Shortened SBD and TBD further, TBD mostly timestamps and advanced optode fields.
!!!CC OFF!!!
wpt SSE
u_reqd_depth_at_surface 2.5 from 4
(trying to reduce sbd size)
cop tickle abort was from typo? in mission
Extended cop tickle abend to 12 hours
Changed TBD to every 3rd yo (50 KB for last segment, too large)
SBD's still large and not sure why.
Glider relocated further SE. All tbd's & sbd's transferred, along w/ several .ad2 files.
Current pump throw -400/+120 on 2 hr surfacings, switching to -400/+100 and 4 hr surfacings soon.
15 min missions confirmed. Will tx files once onboard.
2 hr surfacings.
Glider getting washed inshore. tbd transfers off for now, pump going to +270/-330 for extra drive.
Ballast changed to +220/-280 to a)reduce drive a bit and b) make glider a bit "heavier".
1/2 hour mission.
Deployed by Dave Aragon out of Dauphin Island.
**adcp was only option on configuration page; glider has Nortek AD2CP 304036
**optode sn was obtained from last deployment note.