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Congratulations to Marine Science Graduate Students

Congratulations to several of Marine Science Graduate Students who received well-deserved news of several awards.  The Department is very proud of our graduate students and value the important work they do!  Congratulations to:

Heidi Yeh was just awarded $5,000 from Sea Grant to study “Interactive Influences of Dermo Disease and the Microbiome on Crassostrea virginica Disease Susceptibility and Microbial Dynamics”  and $17,581 from the Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center for “Monitoring Oyster Microbiome Changes During Storage”

Emily Slesinger will receive $1000 from the George Burlew Scholarship program (Manasquan River Marline & Tuna Club).  Her research focus is on the optimal thermal and oxygen niches for black sea bass and use the information to better understand their potential population trajectories in the future.

Congratulations to Vince Clementi whose proposal to study “Organic and radiogenic geochemical constraints on the role of Chilean Margin clathrates in abrupt climate warming over the last 67,000 years”  was awarded $1250 from the Geological Society of America.