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PUFINS: Weather at Sea

Summertime in Northeast United States, warm weather, pop up thunderstorms, humidity, and a bright sun, right? Well those terms for June are pretty accurate for the beach towns all along the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, but not for the team on the R/V Atlantis the summertime feel is more like an early spring day at best.

At sea the air temperature has been 65 degrees Fahrenheit for a high and 50 degrees Fahrenheit for a low, but we are on a ship that is moving, so we are experiencing wind speeds that make the temperature feel much more like the low 50’s and 40’s.

The weather on ship has changed quickly at times, on our first day at sea we had great dolphin watching weather, while just 1 hour later when we went to the bow to watch the sunset all we could see was fog.

Full article at PUFINS blog