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Graduate Student Ambassadors

DMCS graduate students Emily Slesigner, Hailey Riechelson, Jacquelyn Veatch, and Ryan Glaubke recently met with the Camden County College’s Honors Program and its advisors Jennifer Hoheisel and Nancy Raferty to share the excitement of marine science with community college students. A brief presentation of the students’ research demonstrating the breadth of topics in oceanography was followed by open discussions with the students about their interests and careers in marine science. After the experience, feedback from Camden County College students included: “The students were very knowledgeable and enthusiastic,” “I really enjoyed hearing about everyone’s research…I also never knew how linked the ocean and our climate are,” and “I love how they can problem solve and collect data to do research on salinity and taking care of animals in the water. I also never fully understood what graduate school or those kinds of programs looked like.”