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WHOI Appoints Douglas C. Webb as Oceanographer Emeritus

Douglas C. Webb, founder of Teledyne Webb Research, has been appointed as Oceanographer Emeritus at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, effective January 1, 2021. This peer appointed honorary position has been bestowed upon Doug Webb in recognition of his contributions to WHOI and to oceanographic science and engineering world-over.

Doug has been a partner with RUCOOL for almost a quarter of a century. His Slocum gliders have enabled research across the globe, and at Rutgers, are used to study hurricane intensities, sediment transport during storms, ocean acidification, coastal water quality, locations of plankton and fish in the water column around Antarctica, and most recently in tracking whales along the NJ Coast.

Perhaps Doug’s most important gift is his ability to instill passion about science into the future generations. “I continue to have the good fortune of working alongside Doug through many shared adventures. Doug’s spark of inquisitiveness and creativity is contagious, and we strive to follow the advice that he gave to Rutgers students after the first Slocum glider Atlantic Ocean crossing – ‘Work hard, have fun, and change the world’,” said Clayton Jones, Senior Director of Technology, Teledyne Marine.

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