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Travis Miles Receives RBR2020 Cohort Award

Open to early-career researchers (post-doctoral scientists/engineers and pre-tenured faculty), the RBR2020 cohort will bring together scientists from around the world to enable innovative ocean measurements through collaborative workshops, technical developments, demonstration programs, and SciComm mentorship. The early-career ocean scientists and engineers selected for the cohort will participate in a two-year program to develop their project ideas, enable measurements, and expand their research network with special support from RBR and established mentors. Travis Miles of RUCOOL was chosen for this honor.
During the two year program, cohort members will have the opportunity to:
*        Borrow RBR equipment for proof-of-concept deployments to motivate future projects and proposal.
*        Spend a week at RBR’s headquarters working with scientists, engineers, and calibration technicians to develop and test new ideas with RBR sensors, loggers, and systems.
*        Leverage preferred RBR2020 cohort pricing for all collaborators on large proposals.
*        Earn a $1,000 travel stipend to present research at international conferences.
*        Receive consultation from SciComm professionals and mentorship by established scientists to develop communications plan, expand research network, pitch ideas, find future collaborators/funders, and communicate results and value with media.
Original article here