All Notes (15)
Accidental recharge 1/2022
Cell Serial Volts Charge_AH Capacity_AH Percent_Charge Percent_Mean_Capacity
____ ______ ______ _________ ___________ ______________ _____________________
1 501 16.425 9.662 10.034 96 100
2 530 16.423 9.701 10.088 96 100
3 545 16.415 9.693 10.053 96 100
4 553 16.402 9.657 10.002 97 99
5 556 16.41 9.696 10.033 97 99
6 574 16.397 9.869 10.144 97 101
7 581 16.419 9.734 10.16 96 101
8 585 16.385 9.677 9.839 98 98
9 599 16.395 9.779 9.972 98 99
10 602 16.417 9.853 10.214 96 101
11 605 16.438 9.875 10.289 96 102
12 611 16.416 9.692 10.064 96 100
13 614 16.412 9.646 9.998 96 99
14 616 16.422 9.704 10.069 96 100
15 625 16.419 9.765 10.127 96 100
16 628 16.401 9.839 9.902 99 98
17 637 16.414 9.711 10.084 96 100
18 640 16.4 9.917 10.032 99 99
19 641 16.402 9.765 10.115 97 100
20 642 16.421 9.72 10.127 96 100
21 643 16.431 9.899 10.29 96 102
22 654 16.413 9.848 10.19 97 101
23 655 16.416 9.94 10.103 98 100
Mean battery charge level: 9.767 / 10.0839
Total charge level (all battery charges summed): 224.642 / 231.929
Li Pack : pH 12/09/21
Cell Serial Volts Charge_AH Capacity_AH Percent_Charge Percent_Mean_Capacity
____ ______ ______ _________ ___________ ______________ _____________________
1 318 14.157 0 10.121 0 101
2 501 14.166 2.903 9.923 29 99
3 530 14.164 2.92 9.934 29 99
4 545 14.165 2.897 9.765 30 98
5 553 14.162 2.938 9.924 30 99
6 556 14.167 2.86 9.933 29 99
7 574 14.158 3.04 10.121 30 101
8 581 14.16 2.896 10.006 29 100
9 585 14.161 2.831 9.736 29 97
10 599 14.159 2.84 9.8 29 98
11 602 14.16 3.017 10.167 30 102
12 605 14.16 2.996 10.234 29 102
13 611 14.158 2.893 9.977 29 100
14 614 14.158 2.776 9.874 28 99
15 616 14.164 2.851 9.943 29 100
16 625 14.161 2.901 10.028 29 100
17 628 14.159 2.917 9.933 29 99
18 637 14.156 2.848 9.955 29 100
19 640 14.162 3.072 9.942 31 100
20 641 14.16 2.897 9.982 29 100
21 642 14.162 2.84 9.999 28 100
22 643 14.161 3.08 10.197 30 102
23 654 14.161 3.057 10.135 30 101
24 655 14.159 3.04 10.13 30 101
25 3024 14.158 2.893 9.977 29 100
Mean battery charge level: 2.8081 / 9.9894
Total charge level (all battery charges summed): 70.203 / 249.736
Pitch motor did not move during ballast dunk, vel = 0.00000000
Brought to lab and pitch motor worked after craning on to table. Could not get it not to work. Targetted loose wires but everything seemed fine, even the repaired main board pitch circuit.
Nothing of note at the failure location.
Recovered aboard RV Resilience Chip Nicole Lauren C. and RUMFS tech.
Performed 1645 ctd cast and surface water sample:
ru30-2021-320-1-1 (0468.0001) was pH surface logging segment
Water sampled around Wed Nov 17 15:22:45 according to Nicole Gchat
u_abort_max_burn_time 14 hours via script
TBDList lost sci_m_present_time somehow
All sensors every 3rd yo, ideally want to stay off surface more but this won't do it so may do every 4-6th yo at some point or reduce TBD.
Pitch motor error, not moving, vel =0.00. Either battery shorted out again or repaired aft circuit finally went kaput.
Still able to mostly dive, climbs are OK for now.
Trouble running without pitch battery. There is a sensor to disable check for pitch battery. Appears to be flying now without it in service. Would be good to simulate this and have something proper in place.
-.15 in stuck moving forward. Likely not stuck just circuit fried?
FLBBCD to downcasts only
u_alt_reqd_good_in_a_row 2
put u_max_altimeter 9
u_max_altimeter 100
u_alt_reqd_good_in_a_row 2
put u_max_altimeter 9
u_max_altimeter 100
I think that fixed the pitch oddities, but no MLG downloaded yet.
many pitch oddities hopefully OOD?
changed steering AP to run every 10 sec, pitch from .5 db frac dz to .8, maybe will try 1 tomorrow or MLG at some point
Deployed by Nicole Waite, Evan Quinter, Frederike Benz, Thomas Ertle and Scott Pescatore with boat captain Chip Haldeman aboard the R/V Arabella out of Tuckerton, NJ, USA
Deployed with MARACOOS_02
Comparison CTD cast done with RBRConcerto. Water samples for pH collected with bucket at surface only.
OS 8.5
CTD s/n 9417p
factory cal: 7/22/2020
pH s/n C18
factory cal: 9/28/2020
FLBBCD-SLC s/n 4653
factory cal: 10/16/2018
Optode, oxy4831 s/n 644
factory cal: 3/31/2019
In house check: 9/29/2021