All Notes (16)
All data caught up, DMCS network went down about 8 AM 11/19 so gliders we're found via visual and freewave.
Recovered by Chip and Nicole on R/V Rutgers out of Tuckerton.
Comparison CTD cast done after recovery of both RU28 and RU33 with SB19 s/n 1645 on Ballast Tank laptop
LISST data showing up in TBD eventhough its off. Should take a look into that!
All sensors +15th yo except LISST turned off, TBD changed to 4 sec state 7 for all. Pump +-200 cc.
Back to full length missions, not recovering today, try to find another weather window.
3.5 dive to altitude, 3.25 climb to (envelope was way too small to fly in for shallow water, widening it)
All sample -6 nth yo, U_science_low_power 45
Lets try 23.5 deg instead of 26, see power usage and steering.
climb-to from 3.75 to 4 m on next surfacing
climb-to from 3.5 to 3.75 on next surfacing
Reducing optics puck sampling to every 3rd yo
u_reqd_depth_at_surface 1.75 to stop surfacing behaviors; may lower climb-to to 3.75
loadmission ru28.mi
# Low density abort stuff
sensor: u_abort_min_burn_time(sec) 600 # Never drop the weight before this time
sensor: u_abort_max_burn_time(sec) 28800 # 8 hrs, at least a tidal cycle, Always drop the weight after this time
sensor: u_alt_reduced_usage_mode(bool) 0
sensor: u_alt_reqd_good_in_a_row(nodim) 1
sensor: u_alt_filter_enabled(bool) 0
sensor: u_min_altimeter(m) 2.0
sensor: u_max_altimeter(m) 8.5
sensor: u_alt_min_depth(m) 1
# Avoid old bug
sensor: m_altitude_rate(m/s) -1
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_gain(1/rad) 1.50
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_igain(1/rad-sec) 0.01
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_dgain(sec/rad) 5.00
sensor: u_heading_deadband(rad) 0.087
sensor: u_heading_rate_deadband(rad/s) 0.0087
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_deadband_reset(bool) 0 # true - reset integrator, false hold integrator
sensor: u_hd_fin_ap_hardover_holdoff(sec) 60.0
First hour segment looks good. Doing one more 1-hr segment. Will get a 2-hr surfac at the next surfacing.
Reducing LISST sampling to every 6th yo.
Reduced tbdlist to 6 seconds, every 3rd yo for all sensors.
Comparison CTD cast performed on deployment with Seabird-19 CTD s/n 1645 and ballast tank laptop.
Glider segment, shallow mission: 05290000, ru28-2020-301-2-0
Deployed by Chip Haldeman, Sam Coakley aboard NJDEP vessel with Capt. Rich Rand out of Shark River
OS 8.3
CTD 0103p 2/21/2020 pumped
FLBBCD 2797 8/20/2012
Optode 3835 971 2/13/2020 10/27/2020 check only, no cal
LISST 7003 10/26/2020 zscat in lab