All Notes (26)
AZFP & optode returned via luggage
Optode cable removed but ie55 has pins stuck in and is in bad shape. Doesnt appear to have corrosion damage so not sure how the pins got stuck in/broke off. Glider will need new bulkhead connector for optode/ejection weight. Optode is 644
Recovered by Josh, Matt, Jackie via Palmer zodiac. Lori Garzio pilot.
prior to recovery, RU32 and UD476 station kept near the swarm mooring for ~1 day to cross-compare CTDs.
Comms trouble at times. Seems correlated to wind, should see how this glider sits in water in tank. Maybe can improve comms plot and compare to palmer wind data.
Used 20727296 KB Free 11278912 KB Total 32006208 KB
Parameters - 2020 03 03 15:18:25.08
--> 400 MB day last 10 days, good
At recovery/data dump on 2/19/2020, AZFP file space:
16625.60 MB Free
16148.76 MB Used
32774.36 MB Total
Used 17483264 KB Free 14522944 KB Total 32006208 KB
Don't have a log from their recovery of space but on 2/11 15 GMT it was 12.6 GB
+ 8 days, out of water 1 day, + 4 more days = 12 days
17.48-12.6 / 12 = 400 MB/day which sounds right
Cleaned up AZF files and fixed script so it transfers azf files for easier checking if AZFP is pinging.
RU32 taking over the along canyon UAF line.
Glider data downloaded & azfp
No problems noted
Re-deployed around 9:30 EST by Matt, Jackie & Ashley.
AZFP time check AZFP slow < 2 sec, perhaps 1 sec
Recovred by Josh and Matt Oliver for 24 hour data dump
AZFP final time check : azfp slow by 27 sec
Science logging abort and then because of sensor script it drifted for 3-6 hours.
Up to 10 m difference between glider and ctd at 1k m, CTD reading deeper.
Used 12620992 KB Free 19385216 KB Total 32006208 KB
Used 12.6 GB, Free 19.4 GB, Drive: 32 GB
time check: azfp is about 22 sec slow
AZFP: 15:52:13 : 15:52:35
Accidentally did a file listing on AZFP, can check surface log if you want a listing, but here is a day's worth:
c:\DATA\202002\20020723.01A 17786624 2020/02/08 00:00 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020800.01A 9822464 2020/02/08 00:14 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020801.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 01:09 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020801.XML 5791 2020/02/08 01:09 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20200208.LOG 308 2020/02/08 10:50 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020801.01A 30562464 2020/02/08 02:00 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020802.01A 7532768 2020/02/08 02:11 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020803.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 03:16 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020803.XML 5791 2020/02/08 03:16 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020803.01A 25286208 2020/02/08 04:00 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020804.01A 730048 2020/02/08 04:01 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020804.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 04:52 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020804.XML 5791 2020/02/08 04:52 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020804.01B 1460096 2020/02/08 05:00 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020805.01A 39820800 2020/02/08 06:00 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020806.01A 39256672 2020/02/08 06:59 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020808.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 08:56 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020808.XML 5791 2020/02/08 08:56 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020809.01A 39389408 2020/02/08 10:00 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020810.01A 11680768 2020/02/08 10:17 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020811.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 11:44 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020811.XML 5791 2020/02/08 11:44 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020811.01A 7001824 2020/02/08 00:00 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020812.01A 19014432 2020/02/08 00:28 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020813.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 01:19 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020813.XML 5791 2020/02/08 01:19 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020813.01A 23660192 2020/02/08 02:00 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020814.01A 6304960 2020/02/08 02:09 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020815.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 03:07 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020815.XML 5791 2020/02/08 03:07 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020815.01A 31657536 2020/02/08 04:00 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020816.01A 2488800 2020/02/08 04:03 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020817.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 05:04 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020817.XML 5791 2020/02/08 05:04 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020817.01A 33051264 2020/02/08 06:00 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020818.01A 7400032 2020/02/08 06:11 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020819.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 07:13 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020819.XML 5791 2020/02/08 07:13 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020819.01A 28372320 2020/02/08 08:00 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020820.01A 3617056 2020/02/08 08:05 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020821.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 09:06 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020821.XML 5791 2020/02/08 09:06 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020821.01A 27775008 2020/02/08 09:53 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020822.DPL 1337 2020/02/08 10:45 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020822.XML 5791 2020/02/08 10:45 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020822.01A 6371328 2020/02/08 11:00 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020823.01A 21337312 2020/02/08 11:32 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020900.DPL 1337 2020/02/09 00:21 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020900.XML 5791 2020/02/09 00:21 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20200209.LOG 308 2020/02/09 09:57 PM
c:\DATA\202002\20020900.01A 22200096 2020/02/09 01:00 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020901.01A 4678944 2020/02/09 01:07 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020901.DPL 1337 2020/02/09 01:53 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020901.XML 5791 2020/02/09 01:54 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020901.01B 1692384 2020/02/09 02:00 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020902.01A 39820800 2020/02/09 03:00 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020903.01A 34444992 2020/02/09 03:51 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020905.DPL 1337 2020/02/09 05:56 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020905.XML 5791 2020/02/09 05:56 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020906.01A 25717600 2020/02/09 06:39 AM
c:\DATA\202002\20020907.DPL 1337 2020/02/09 07:31 AM
Used 8103168 KB Free 23903040 KB Total 32006208 KB
---> about 400 MB/day with 60 days left
AZFP time check ~ 15-20 sec slow (azfp slow)
TBD got large 70 KB change to mostly 16 sec sampling from 12
It was barely off though.
some Under-Volts aborts at inflection at 900m. Lowered the abort voltage threshold to 9.0 (same as unit_507).
sensor: u_reqd_depth_at_surface(m) 2.5
sensor: u_abort_max_burn_time(sec) 72000 # drop weight after 20 hours in abort mode, up from 4
optics/tbd on at surface
AZFP file/time check.
Used 2334048 KB Free 29672160 KB Total 32006208 KB
~ 390 MB data generation / day
Saw some files dated up to 1/14-15 before irid buffer tossed
Deployment: 1/11 time check, azfp was 13:01:48.47, internet was 13:01:51
1/17 time check: azfp: 15:22:10.7, internet was 15:22:18
Just a note : ru32 can see bottom up to 100 m away.
new goto - try a 2km ping-pong line
sending to Swarm station keep location, 64° 50.803'S, 64° 6.702'W
loadmission ru32.mi - adjust altimeter settings
# 2019/1/1 dkaragon initial
# 2019/1/2 dkaragon eased off fin limits for better steering with azfp, altimeter hits on krill, it turned around early even with u_alt_min_depth I think because of old hit
sensor: u_reqd_depth_at_surface(m) 3
sensor: u_abort_max_burn_time(sec) 72000 # drop weight after 20 hours in abort mode, up from 4
# sensor: f_fin_safety_max(rad) .41
# Altimeter settings
sensor: u_alt_min_depth(m) 150
sensor: u_min_water_depth(m) 250
sensor: u_max_water_depth_lifetime(yos) 0
sensor: m_altitude_rate(m/s) -1
sensor: u_alt_reqd_good_in_a_row(nodim) 4
azf files look present and pinging at 3 according to internals:
$5e020000101f70025STAT-Burst 503 P502 2020/01/12 13:13:18.12#082b
$5e0200001020b0025STAT-Burst 523 P522 2020/01/12 13:14:18.12#0830
$5e0200001021f0025STAT-Burst 543 P542 2020/01/12 13:15:18.12#0835
FYI: no oxygen plots due to misalignment between pressure and sci_oxy4* variables:
Not sure if this is a glider sampling issue or the oxy is being sampled differently from the CTD.
GliderDos Version: 8.3
CTD: s/n 9395, cal date = 4/18/2019
FLBBCD: s/n 4653, cal date = 10/16/2018
Optode 4831: s/n 644, cal date = 3/31/2019, in-house check 6/20/2019
AZFP: s/n 59006, cal date = 10/24/2017 (factory); 7/2019 (in house)
Deployed on Palmer Zodiac:
crew on boat: Matt Oliver, Katie Hudson, Ashley Hann, Greg Larsen, Ari Friedlander
Palmer Shore Support: Josh Kohut
RU Pilot: David Aragon